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February 14,1992

I won't...

I will not...

Speak to him after what he called me.

Since that argument and my passing out,I haven't talked to Prince since. He's been on my heels everyday too. He tries to make me talk but it's not happening. It did just happen two days ago and of course I'm still pissed.

I can't do anything without his 'permission' it seems like. When I woke up from my little nap from falling out,he wasn't in the bed. He should be the one asking my permission,after all I am helping him. I'm really close from going.

Not leaving just Paisley Park and him,but this whole thing. I'm not taking this shit no more.

"Perrie,please eat. You don't have to talk to me but eat." Prince stressed to me as I sat in the middle of the bed Indian style. I didn't even like look in his direction. He climbed onto the bed and sat the same way right in front of me.

"For the last time I'm sorry Pezza. It's Valentine's Day and your acting like this." He started getting baffled. "What else do you need Perrie?! I gave you everything you want!" Prince hollers.

I got a glimpse of his now angry face. "Everything but respect." I smirked slightly  and looks away again.

"RESPECT! You didn't give that two me when I told you not to smoke

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"RESPECT! You didn't give that two me when I told you not to smoke. And when you lied to me in my face!"

"I said Sorry and apologize. I'm never going to do it again okay? You won and you always do. I'm done talking about it. If you don't-"

"What you going to do? Hit me?! Perrie why can't you just listen to me and follow directions." He yelled in my face.

I'm done...

"I'm over it Prince. I...I can't do this anymore." I shuttered out. His eye had fury inside them.

"Where you going? Los Angeles. You're not going anywhere!" He grasped my wrist and I pulled away. I got off the bed as he look at me.

"Home. I'm going home." I said calmly.

"I'm leaving this. You pushed me to the edge to do this. I can't help you anymore Prince. You're too demanding and controlling. I love you with all my heart,maybe even more than myself but you don't understand that I get homesick. I miss my girls,my life,and everything else. You never really tried to comfort me during those time I would cry my eyes out. Your so into your music and I understand that,but you need to know that everyone's not tough like you. No one been what you been through. Sometimes you need to let people instead of being a fucking bastard to every most of the time. I wanted the prince who loves joking around and making me laugh."

Prince was looking down in disappointment in himself. And he should be.

"I wanted the one who loves movie night we had,the love we made and the many times we could stop looking or laughing at each other. What happened to him? Because I don't know." I asked with tears in my eyes. He doesn't say no one word. My heart was breaking yet relief that I said what I had to say. 

I guess I was finished here so I walked out the door and close. My legs only took me as far as three feet away from the room. I put my back against the wall then cover my mouth trying not to cry loudly.

It's time for me to go

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It's time for me to go.


February 20,1992

Why did I go after her?

Even when I heard her crying loudly.

I acted like a idiot towards Perrie when all she tried to do is help me.

"Maybe I should just get it over with now." I said before putting on my jacket.

I left my home and went to one of my cars. The gates open then I zoomed down the street.

My head was telling me not to but that's my solution right now. If she's not here with me then I don't want to even live.

The drive was short to the Lake where me and Perrie always have a good time. Since she's been gone I've haven't ate,sleep,and surprisingly haven't had the strength to write.

I parked the car and got out then walked down. Memories started the fill my head. It was like I could see them.

Perrie and I talking the first here,to us having a picnic,that night I left her in the cold rain but came and got her. The time we made up in the car and many other great times.

Perrie didn't leave the universe. I remember the information we got a month ago. She wouldn't even exist anymore. That means.......

She's dead.

"I'm going up to you Perrie." I say as my face was streaming down my with tear. In my head was a gun,I raised it up to the side of my head.

This is it.


Hii😏 Hope you like this chapter even though this short😒😌 but the next one will be long😘

My first day was good💕 I have three classes with my crush😏😈


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