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April 3,1992
💕Perrie 💕

I honestly don't want to leave this bed. My sleep schedule have been off anyways but yesterday didn't help at all.

As you know I performed at First Avenue and celebrated my album at midnight at the Glam Slam. Prince and I didn't even get to go back to Paisley Park after because we had a flight to catch at 6 AM.

Tokyo is are first stop on the 'Diamonds & Pearls Tour'. It's still Morning here. Prince is up already,I know this because I hear him strumming his guitar in the other room.

"I love that he's productive but shut the hell up mate." I mumbled into my pillow. With only 4 hours of sleep I'm a bit cranky.

He finally stop playing but I heard him coming to the room. The bed sank in because of him.

"Yes prince?" I said then turn to see his face.

"What? I don't need anything and you was post to be sleeping."

I can't with all that damn noise you was doing...

"I can't sleep. Too excited about tonight." I lied and got up with a stretch. My stomach was growling a bit for food.

"I ordered us breakfast. How are you feeling?" He lean towards me to peck my lips.

"Alright. Little nervous. I haven't sang in awhile with a big audience like this is,Prince. Especially by myself. Usually I was with three other girls."

"This hard for you Pez but I know you will do fantastic out there. They are in your heart and will always love you." He says which kinda help me a bit.

I sighed as I moved out of the bed. Prince stopped me from my actions looking me in my eyes.

"You believe me right?"

"Of course I do Prince. Why would you-"

Not nowwwww!!!

I held my mouth closed as I got fast running over to the bathroom. Prince followed behind even though I didn't want him in here. Soon as I got to the toilet, I spilled out my insides. I barely eat yesterday.

My throat was burning which hurts like hell. He rubbed my back while pulling back my hair.

What a good way to start this day?


"Stop! I need to get dress." I giggled.

"Mama we already late for rehearsal. Come on." Prince pulled at my waistband of my pants. "And what I tell you about wearing these? I don't like them."

I rolled my eyes then pushed him off me. "They are pants not jeans."

"Still. I don't want to wearing nothing right now." He whines.

"No child! Now right now that's how we got something now." I laugh while pulling my shirt over my head.

"You think I don't know that. We have video tape of it." He smirks at me. I froze up. How can I forget about it? On that 'Sex Tape' we made a baby. What a story to tell?

"Oh I know." I started on my make up.

"So it's something I've been meaning to tell you. Just don't over think it." He says while kissing my neck softly. I sighed then letting him continue.

"What is it?"

"Daya is joining us on tour."

Fuck he mean she's joining us on tour?!

"Tiny mother fucker said what?" I pushed him off me putting down my mascara. Prince put his hands up in defense.

"Hey! Watch how you talk to me and plus Daya is a nice girl. She only here for a month as my guest. And you will be nice to her,you understand?"

I looked at him with wide eyes. He must be talking to someone else cause it ain't me for damn sure.

"Like hell I will." I mumbled while getting up. He latch onto my arm pulling me back down.

"What you say?" His voice turned sternly. Me being me, I'm not faze by it not one bit.

"I treat the bitch how I want to treat her. You don't tell me,Mate. Don't let the white skin fool ya. Let her try me." I yanked away from him. My  index finger was pointing into in chest. I am actually two or three inches taller than him.

"Pregnant or not I will speak my mind. You pray that this month will go by quick."

Prince snatched my hand tightly,looking deeply into my eyes as he moved closer to me. I began walking backwards then sitting on the bed.

"That's cute. How you actually think she going to try something with me and that your jealous." He smirks as he sat on me. My blood was boiling. The fact he's saying I'm jealous and him sitting on top of me with his hardness through his pants rubbing against my thigh.

"Jealous? Oh I'll show you jealous." I smiled simply.

This is the moment where Prince should know he fucked up....

///💜\\\ To be continued😇

Heyyyyyyy!!!! I hope you lovely people like this chapter💜 I'm sorry I've updated in awhile but if you don't know, I had family issues and my great grandmother passed away yesterday. I leave for South Carolina Friday😫

I'm trying to get back into writing so work with me😭

Love ya guys😋


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