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Same Day

   Where could she be? I know I told her after my soundcheck to be here for hers. Now I'm scrambling around looking for her and Algee.  They are pretty close I know but something tells me he wants more.

"Sir, She's in her dressing room." One of my security guards says.

"Thanks I told her ass to be ready next and now she's lounging around." I walked quickly in my heels down the hallway going to Perrie's Dressing Room.

     My temper with her as been good I'll say. I toned down because of her and we've been on a great level. Perrie is now pregnant with our child. I can't not lie and say it wasn't in the plan of the tape we made. Me being me I want a family with her. Perrie is my everything honestly.

  Soon as I got to her door I heard laugher inside. A male voice was definitely talking with her. Must be Algee.

I opened the door seeing Perrie dressed in on of her outfit I haven't seen. It was pretty revealing I should say. But one thing I noticed which made me hot was her hair. Her hair stylist was just putting down a pair of scissors.

"Prince! I'm glad you came in now. Do you like it?" Perrie came over to me with her new haircut. It was nice but I love her with longer hair and plus I would have liked some notice on it.

"Perrie may speak to you in private." I said skipping over her question. She frowns but still keeps talking.

"You don't like it? Algee thought it was a good idea plus I've been wanting my hair short again." Perrie went over patting Algee's shoulder as I glare at him. He sensed it definitely.

" I did. Hey I'll see you later Pez." Algee got up quickly then left the room slyly. I looked over at her hair stylist who also got the message.

"So you think your hot shit and can make people left MY dressing room?" My girlfriend says after everyone left.

"You wouldn't be here in YOUR dressing room if it wasn't for me and my name." I said but realized how harsh that was. She glanced at me with shock and hurt.

"Oh really? I'll remember that when I leave your ass here to fend for yourself." She snapped back. "Honestly Prince I don't know why you're on my shit. If it's Algee then you can actually step back cause we are just friends like you and Daya."

  Perrie really got a slick mouth and attitude. That's why we get along and argue a lot. She almost a splitting image of me in many ways which means along of things. I'm a person who sometimes wanna get even so I know she will get back at me for having Daya on this tour.

"Daya is my friend yes that's true. And seaweed or Algee can be yours. My problem is that you wasn't ready to rehearse Perrie! Then you fucking chop off your hair like nothing." I can't help but get riled up on this situation.

   "Can you two stop with this arguing?"

Perrie closed her mouth and looked behind me with her eyes wide. I turned slowly seeing The Man himself. Sometimes he comes at the worst times scaring the crap outta me.

"Perrie how are you with your pregnancy? Congratulations to you both."

Perrie nodded. "I'm fine and thank you we are very happy."

"Yes I was completely surprised but happy." I joined her.

"Mmm it seems like your not seeing eye to eye right now. I'm guessing Perrie told you the risk with this baby...."

My eyes travels back to her as she was already looking at me. Risk? What risk?

"You didn't tell him?"

"I was definitely but everything was going out with the tour-"

"Will somebody enlighten me about our child risk? I mean I would like to know damnit." To be truthful I didn't care God was right there. I'm sick of the hidden stuff going on.

"Because I am technically not human in a way it's going to be a tough pregnancy for me because I'm an angel." Perrie explained.

"Yes it will be. Perrie being an angel is effective but this might not be as bad. Risks of mental health or brain damage is a bit high because of the power she has in her body. But that's all I'll have now. I want you two to talk about this and Perrie we have to talk about something else soon. Farewell my children."

  And with that he was gone. Perrie stood there waiting for a reaction from me but I have nothing. Why didn't she tell me this earlier?

"Prince don't be upset over this. I'm sorry that I wasn't ready. Please don't overreact." She grabbed my hands as I looked deep into her eyes seeing pain. I just can't right now.

"Get out of that outfit and go out there to rehearse." I let out of her hands making my heart break a bit but I just need some space to think.

"Prince please." Tears welled up in her eyes making me look away.

"Be out there in ten. Clean up your face and we'll talk later." I kissed her cheek and left out the room slamming the door. My body couldn't move from in front of the door. I heard her cries but I blocked them instantly before walking off.

To be continued....


Heyyyyyyyy!!!!!! WHAT'S FUCKING GOOD GUYS?! I'm sorry I've updated this story but it's been a lot going on...😒😭

But I'm back especially since summer is coming which means I'll be posting my stories a lot😁

Check out my new and last Prince fanfic called 'Crazy U'💜


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