452 27 4

January 25,1992
💕Perrie 💕

My pen was tapping on my empty notebook paper as me,Prince and some members of NPG sit in the studio. They was going over some songs while I try to write my first song.

Prince been on my ass about this album. It's only one I'm doing and he wants it out buy December and no later. The men was so wrapped up in their music,I decided to slip away from them.

I took my things and went to our room. I've been up since 12:30 last night and it's now 11 in the morning. I got myself out my pajamas and took a hot shower.

In the shower I thought of the inspiration for the song. And it's Prince of course. I hummed the melody as I got out then getting dressed in a simple black crop top and jeans with heels.

 I hummed the melody as I got out then getting dressed in a simple black crop top and jeans with heels

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My stomach was rumbling so I head down to the kitchen where chef Karlyn was. She noticed me and flash a smile.

"Hello Perrie,what can I get ya today?" She asked. Usually I would get my own food but I sat on a stool.

"May I have just toast and scrambled eggs with cheese,please?" I said with a smile. She got on it and I got to writing in my notebook.

Close the doors
Lay down
No, no, no, not like that
Like this, yea... I like that
OK, now here's what I want you to do
I want you to look me right in my eyes
And I want you to tell me exactly what you want me to do to you
You ready?

I smirk at the lyrics as Karlyn place a glass of red wine in front of me. Crazy but I like having wine when I have my breakfast and dinner. I took a sip then went back to writing.

"There you are! I was looking all over for you." I turned and saw Prince walking towards me.

"Here I am." I say while doing a 'Ta Da' movement with my hands then went back writing.

"I see you got inspired. Can I see?" He sat next to me. Karlyn gave me my plate and started on Prince meal.

"No. When I get done I will. Anyways,how was that session with the guys." I wasn't looking at him as I wrote.

"It was good. We talked about the tour too." Prince took a piece of my toast and I smacked his hand.

"Don't touch my food." I put the book down while glaring at him.

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