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Same Day

Prince carried us up the stairs into my room. He basically dropped me on to the bed and we started undressing each other.

But then I stopped us. Prince looks very confused at my actions. Before I say anything he does.

"Perrie,I care about you and I will never ever hurt you. Just let me love you." Prince words came out sweetly as he caress my face gently. "Will you let me do that baby girl? Huh?"


After I said he did waste anytime unhooking my bra while his lips was planted on my skin. I began taking off his pants.

Prince barely wears underwear so his hard member was out rubbing against my thighs.

"In a hurry are we?" Prince says as he took off my bra. I blushed then closes my eyes when his tongue ran across my breasts.

Prince started kissing down my stomach but when he got to my underwear I felt his warm breath on....'Her'.

With his teeth he took my red lace panties off and toss them onto the floor. I tried my to keep my calm but you can't do that with Prince. He automatically makes you nervous.

"Oh Pezza your very wet for Skipper ain't?" He says in third person while brushing his fingers there.

I hissed at his touch but stop when he slapped his hands on both of my thighs then going deep in without any warnings. Making me moaned in pleasure.

He was putting in the work on me right up to I was almost at my climax.

"Baby...I'm almost there!" I as I wrapped my legs around him pulling Prince close.

As soon I said that he just stop. Prince looks up at me with a smirk as I was in shock he did that.

"I have something better than that." He says as I let my head back in frustration.

I heard a wrapper then silence. Prince hovered over me with a grin.

"Get ready to your trip to the moon,mama. Cause it's a long ride."

I didn't reply because I was getting really for this. This is mine and Prince first time together and something tells me it's going to be memorable also magical.

Moments later Prince thrusts into me...again without any warning. It took a while to get adjusted to his size. My nails dug into his back as I moaned out his name.

"Fuck Perrie!!!" Prince yells going deeper into me. The bed was rocking and our moans and groans went all around this room.

I got the confidence on this and turn us over now riding on him. I flipped my hair while going nice and slow on his long 'friend'.

"Keep going per. I almost there."

I rode faster to the sound of our grunts. I bend down giving Prince kisses as he gripped on my ass tightly.

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