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Same day
💕Perrie 💕

"How do I look?" I step out from the bathroom showing my black outfit. Prince got up from the bed with a smile.

"Beautiful like always." He says before grabbing me by my waist. I gave him a kiss on the cheek,leaving a pink lipstick mark.

"Thank you very much. Let's go." I said as he let go of me.

We left out the hotel room going to the lobby. The limo was ready for us to go soon as we go in. Prince rested his hand on my knee.

"What are you going to do when I go to the studio?" He asked.

Why lie to him?

"I might go out with Krista. She works very hard for me so she need a break and some fun." I said while smiling.


"What? It's probably a few clubs." I shrugged. He shook his head.

"No heavy drinking. You know how you are."

"Are you saying I drink too much?" I questioned him as he looked at me with shock.

"No it's just I don't want you drinking like crazy when I'm not there. It's no telling what might happen,people are crazy." Prince rubbed my knee and peck my cheek. I nodded like a good girl but it's no telling what's going to happen later.


"How are you Perrie?" The interviewer says as I smiled.

"I'm great. It's good to be here." I answered while looking at her and the audience.

"So everyone knows of you by now. You are one of the most best choreographers in the industry. From Madonna to Michael Jackson to TLC and now Prince. What made you work with him?"

"Well thank you for that compliment. Prince actually came to me back in 1990 before his 'Nude Tour' was starting and asked me to be apart of it. I obviously said yes." I laughed a bit then crossing my hand in my lap.

"And you was friends at this time,right?" She asked me. I nodded.

"Yeah. We didn't start dating until after tour."

"Since that you've been his dancer in The New Power Generation. How is that like?" She says in a very annoying tone of voice.

Sorry not sorry.

"It's amazing being apart of this group. I was off on it at first because I still was working on my things but here I am. New Power Generation is funk and soul. I love them and the music they make with Prince."

"And now it's being told your starting a music career?"

The audience started clapping before I could get anything out. All I did was smile at them.

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