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June 4,1990
💕Perrie 💕

Knock Knock Knock...

Who the hell could that be right now?

I'm tired as fuck and this tour just started two days ago. It's noon and I would like to be still sleeping. I got up and grabbed my rope then answering the door.

I opened the door seeing Prince in a very unique swimsuit. I smirked and let him in then closing the door.

"Good afternoon Skipper." I held my rope close as he opened it,showing my purple matching bra and panties.

"Good afternoon to you too Pezza. We are going down to the pool. Will you like to join us?" He asked as he grip us closely together. But I pushed us apart.

"Did you do what I told you to do?" I raised eyebrows with my hands on my hip.


"Strike him lord!" Soon as I said that,a loud thunder came from outside.

"Okay okay! I let Mayte know that it's just business but me and Sheila are together. Only till the end of tour. Then we can be together." Prince smiles.

"Who said I want to be with you? I have to repeat this to you. Your a thot Prince. Nah I say a Fuckboy. How I if you won't do the same thing to me you did to them?" I folded my arms. Prince rolled his Bambi eyes.

"Because I your different from them Perrie. Your an angel. My angel for me. Okay we aren't going to be together right away but still. We can always be a secret till whatever happens."

"Your still going to marry Mayte and I know deep down inside. This is up to you Prince. I can leave when ever I want." I went over to my suitcase and pick out my bathing suit.

"You will always come first though. Whatever happens you are my forever technically. My damn guardian angel." He started getting all riled up. Prince always do when we talk about this.

My thing is since he can have opened relationship then why can I? He doesn't have to know my plans.

I'm a sneaky girl ain't I?

"Alright calm down dude." I said before stripping down to put on my suit. I put on my two piece as he watch my every move.

"How do I look?" I asked while fixing my hair then look directly at him.

"How do I look?" I asked while fixing my hair then look directly at him

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