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September 1,1991

"That was good for today. Y'all did great." I said to the four men in front of me.

  In four days Prince and NPG will be performing at the VMA's. Today was a rehearsal for it with him, Tony M,Kirk,and Damone. I'm the choreographer for the dance,and I mean the whole dance.

"Y'all can head out. But we have another rehearsal tomorrow at 12." Prince says to the guys. They said goodbye and left us alone. I really look good today. I looked around and whipped out my phone and took a picture of me and my pink hair.

 I looked around and whipped out my phone and took a picture of me and my pink hair

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I dyed my hair last week. It was a shock to everyone because I just did it out of nowhere.

I put my phone away and turn to Prince who was licking his lips at me. I walked over to him,wrapping my arms around his neck.

"What are you looking at,babe?" I asked as he grabbed hold of my bottom.

"You being you. Which is pretty sexy." He says then giving a peck on the lips.

"Why thank you." I fanned myself and ran my fingers through my hair. "I might wash this out today. I want to look nice for the show."

"You always look nice. I do have a surprise for you. Come with me."

We left the dance studio heading towards the room where his clothes are made. People was in there working their heads off.

"Ashley,is that dress ready?" Prince asked the woman who was sewing a shirt,I believe.

"Yes Mr.Nelson. Would you like to see it?" She says and he nods.

"What are you doing?" I asked him suspiciously. All he does is smiles while hold my waist. Ashley came back with a bag and white shoes. Prince took them and thanked her.

I followed him to the elevator. He was smiling the whole time. Prince really have a beautiful smile,his white was showing as I stare at him.

"You have a wonderful smile."I said.

"You just now noticing that." Prince says cockily. I rolled my eyes as we stop in his floor of his room.

"Yo ass can't take a damn compliment and shut up." I said with a laugh.

"Nope!" He went to his room and I was right behind him. Prince lay out the bag and told me to unzip it. I did so and once I saw the beautiful dress I almost screamed.

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