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James could barely contain himself in his seat. Every few seconds Sirius would make him laugh and double over but then he'd moaned in pain. The previous night was a full moon and Remus was a bit too playful. He had three large scrapes from the nape of his neck down curving down to his waist and scratches on his face. Sirius had minor injuries, only needing a bandage on his leg, and Peter had virtually none.

Usually they were never harmed that badly but last night was a different cause. As usual, the three waited for Remus to transform and then they'd frolic around the Forbidden Forest until Remus passed out or transformed back. However, last night, an unsuspecting visitor came along.

They were guiding Remus safely to the forest where they could play freely - when one Lily Evans was walking along the Black Lake. Remus made a bee line for her and it took all Sirius and James's might to hold him back. Peter started scampering around his feet to trip him up while James blocked Remus from scarring Lily - earning the scratches on his back - but he safely rode Lily back to the castle. Sirius had distracted Remus by howling at the moon.

Now all four boys sat in the hospital wing. Remus was sleeping off his exhaustion and Peter was snacking on a box of Bertie Bots. James lay in a bed with Sirius in a chair beside him.

"Some Hufflepuff called me White!" Sirius said.

"Well...physically you are Padfoot," James said. 

"So I told him I was Black, because that's my name," James rolled his eyes knowing where this would end, "Then he laughed and said stop joking. And so I said, I'm Sirius." He burst out laughing and James couldn't help but laugh too.

"Ow..." James moaned, reaching a hand to his bare back. "Next time we should trim his nails."

The hospital wing doors opened and Lily came strolling in. She stopped upon seeing all four Marauders there.

"Fancy seeing you here, Evans," James said.

"I'd say the same but I never like seeing you. I came for Remus. We were supposed to do patrols last night but he bailed and his replacement never came."

"So you went for a stroll?" Sirius mumbled.

"Yes - wait. How'd you know?"

"Our dorm oversees everything and Padfoot and I were up all night playing Exploding Snap," James explained. "Don't worry Evans, we won't tell anyone Miss Perfect breaks rules sometimes."

"What happened to him?"

James and Sirius shared a grave look, having some agreement in their heads. "Dueling," they answered. 

"Speaking of nightly patrols," James said smiling, "I'll be perfectly happy to replace Remus. It could be like...a date! How 'bout it Evans?"

She snorted, "In your dreams Potter. I'd rather do patrols with Filch than you...I suppose I'll leave now since Remus's is sleeping. Hope that duel didn't hurt too much. I swear, you and your Marauders need to grow up." With that, she stalked off.

James ran a hand through his hair, "You'd think after saving her life she'd go out with me."

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