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Lily was walking to her weekly tea with Hagrid when something caught her eye. There were multiple bright red daisies scattered across the grounds. Something Lily had never seen before. Though she already knew it had something to do with James. 

"Lily!" James shouted. She looked up, seeing him flying in circles over her head. "You know that new Divination teacher said flowers actually increase the likely hood of you fancying me." 

"Oh really? That teacher must be bonkers."

He flew down and offered his hand, "The views better from above."

Lily got on and held on tightly as not to fall to her death, though she didn't really mind the tight part. James flew higher and circled over the red flowers. They formed a large heart. 

Lily was too in awe of the flowers to realize what was happening in front of her. James heard a small buzz and swat his hand to get rid of it. Then it landed on his broomstick handle. He jerked it, causing them to swerve right. The bee didn't move. "Get lost," he mumbled. 

This was a weakness Lily has just discovered. James Potter was afraid of bees. There was the fact that he'd never been stung by one. Ever. He would rather face 10 death eaters than be stung. 

"What're you doing?" Lily asked. 

"Nothing," he answered quickly, still trying to shoo the bee away. 

"No pick up line? No asking for a date?"

"Er -" James was about to answer but he was afraid if he looked away the bee would sneak up and sting him. "Do you want to -" He screamed and bolted towards the ground. Lily screamed and clutched on for dear life. James landed swiftly and jumped off the broom running away in the middle of the flower heart. He was swatting his hands left, right, and center screaming. 

Lily stared at him, then at the bee still resting on the broom. Lily took one of the flowers and let the bee walk on before throwing the flower far away. "It's gone!" she shouted. 

James stopped moving and ran a hand through his hair. He dusted off his shirt and straightened up, "I don't know what your'e talking about."

"Oh, that bee? You know black and yellow, or yellow and black, however you see it. It's over there, far away."

"Bee? There was a bee you say? Hmm...So, about that date?"

Lily stared at his shoulder and backed away, "Don't freak but there's a bee on your shoulder." 

James immediately ran in circles jerking his shoulders every which way until he saw Lily laughing. He slowed to a stop and rolled his eyes, "Okay okay I'm afraid of bees...Whatever."

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