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"Listen up midgets!" Sirius shouted. "And Peter." He stood on top of the Gryffindor table in the Great Hall. "We all know our places, yes?" There was a murmur of agreement. "Okay, Evans will be here soon!" He jumped down from the table and took his position by the doors.

Lily walked down the corridors hoping to get some food before the Marauders and Marlene ate all of it. The corridors were considerably empty and only a few people crossed her path. She turned the corner and a small second year stood before her. He handed her a white lily and ran away.

Lily twirled the flower in her hands and carried on trying to ignore the odd encounter. It wasn't long before another one came along. Another kid ran up handing a white lily to her before going away again.

Within the last corridor she walked down she received three more. It was suspicious before but now she was hastily walking towards the Great Hall. More and more kids gave her lilies and by the time she got there she had about two dozen.

"I swear Potter..."

"Hello Evans," Sirius said wrapping his arm around her shoulder as she entered the Great Hall. "Nice flowers you've got there."

"Wouldn't be surprised if you picked them out."

Sirius gasped and put a hand to his heart, "You accuse me of this? I'm flurbergasted!"

Lily rolled her eyes and sat down at the Gryffindor table waiting for the large showcase to begin. But nothing happened. The morning continued as usual people coming in and out of the Great Hall, eating then leaving.

Lily picked up her large bouquet and headed out but was stopped by Remus and Peter.

"Stop!" They both shouted.

Sirius burst through and sang, "IN THE NAME OF LOVE!"

James appeared behind Sirius and sang, "Before you break my heart!" James got down to his knee and pulled out a small box and smiled at her. "Lily Evans, will you do the biggest favor and..." He opened the box, "finish my essay with me?" Inside the box was a fresh bottle of ink. "Or go out with me, whichever you fancy."

"I'll take the ink." She grabbed the box and smiled at him and laughed at the others behind him. "James Potter, you really know how to woo a girl."

"I try."

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