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"IT'S ALMOST CHRISTMAS!" Lily shouted. She jumped onto her bed and blasted her music from her wand.

Mary rolled over and stuffed her head under her pillow. "Lily we know."

"It's never too early! You know, maybe I'll go help Hagrid decorate!" 

"Hagrid's probably sleeping too, it's 7 am on Saturday."

"I'll see you girls later!" She jumped off her bed and ran out the door with her cloak and wand in hand. She skipped down the corridor in her cozy green sweater. It was the only time of year she could actually pull of greens and reds to blend in with the holiday. She walked down to the kitchens hoping the elves would let her bake some cookies.

She tickled the pear and slowly opened the door, "Good morning!"

But she wasn't alone. Aside from the house elves, James Potter sat in the kitchens with a glass of milk and an semi-empty platter of fruit.

"Morning Lily," he said.

"Potter, what're you doing?"

"Early morning practice thought I'd get some breakfast after. May I ask why you're here."

"Just in the Christmas spirit. I wanted to bake cookies..."

A mild fire, a flour explosion, a dozen broken eggs later, Lily pulled out the fresh batch of cookies. "I'd say we make a good team," James said. He bit into the cookie but immediately spit it out. "These are disgusting! What did you do?"

"ME? You were in charge of measuring."

"I did everything right. A cup of sugar, two cups of flour, a teaspoon of baking soda, half a teaspoon of baking power, a cup of butter, and a tablespoon of salt." 

"A TABLESPOON!" Lily exclaimed. "Are you insane? It's only a teaspoon."

"Oh...Hey, I have an idea. Let's frost these and platter them quickly before everyone comes for breakfast."

They ran back to the common room and left the salty cookies on the table and hid behind the curtains.

"What now?" Lily whispered.

"Shh. Just wait."

Sirius and a few other quidditch buddies sauntered into the room and ran straight for the cookies. They all swallowed them down but their faces were horror stricken. They all ran around the room with their tongues out trying to vanquish the terrible taste.

Lily and James burst into laughter and emerged from the curtains.

"That wasn't funny Prongs," Sirius muttered.

"Oh, it was," James gasped. "Nice job Lily." He high fived her and smirked, "Say -"


"You didn't even -"

"The answer is still no."


"Now, anybody for seconds?" She held up the platter and watched as they all backed away.

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