Speak For Yourself

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Luke hurried to Braxton's locker after school. It was officially they're last day of highschool and Luke couldn't be more excited.

"Hey, Brax." Luke smiled at his oldest friend.

"Hey." Braxton smiled showing off his dimples.

"We're just waiting on Ashton, Michael, Calum and Liam to get out of class then we can go." Braxton said closing his now empty locker.

"Ugh, Mr. Dowler never lets them out even a second early." Luke groaned.

"I know, and we never have to deal with him again." Braxton grinned.

"Hey, Luke, Hey Braxton, you guys ready?" Michael asked a large grin plastered on his face.

"Hell yeah." Luke nodded eagerly.

"Hey bro, how was your last class?" Braxton asked his twin brother.

Ashton scrunched his nose.

"Mr. Dowler insisted on giving us an hour long lecture on adulthood."

"It was really bad." Liam agreed.

"I'm so glad I never have to sit through another one of his classes." Calum sighed in relief.

"Me too." Luke agreed.

"Okay, well mom text me saying she ordered pizza so let's go." Braxton urged his friends towards his car. The six of them piled into the CRV and made their way towards Braxton and Ashton's house.

The boys walked into the house and heard hushed talking in the kitchen.

"What's all the whispering about?" Ashton asked as he entered the kitchen.

"Ash, honey how was your last day?" Anne asked hugging her oldest son.

"Long." Ashton huffed.

Anne turn her time hugging each of the boys. She had always been so motherly and Ashton and Braxton's friends were like her own kids.

"I would like to speak with you boys in the living room please." Ashton and Braxton's father spoke in a serious tone.

"All of us?" Braxton asked.

"Yes." Jason nodded.

The six boys exchanged confusing glances but followed Mr. Irwin into the living room.

"Have a seat." Jason pointed to the couches. The boys did as told.

"Alright, as you know, you are officially adults now. No more highschool no more childs play." Jason spoke sternly.

"So as such you are to act as adults and handle responsibility as adults." Jason pulled out six envelopes and handed one to each boy.

"Inside this envelope you will find a responsibility unlike any you've had before." Jason's tone still had the boys concerned.

Each one opened their envelope slowly. They each pulled out what looked to be a plane ticket and a brochure.

"What is this?" Ashton asked opening the brochure.

"Your father and I have paid for a trip for the six of you to stay in Hawaii for a week." Anne was grinning from ear to ear.

"What?" Ashton asked in shock.

"Are you kidding?" Braxton asked.

"Nope, you leave Monday." Jason was also now grinning.

Suddenly all six boys were talking at once.

"Thank you so much!" Luke said excitedly.

"You boys are very welcome." Anne smiled.

"Now go eat the pizza before it gets cold." Jason waved off the hyper boys.

"Oh, Ashton, Luke hold on a minute." Anne said pursing her lips.

"Yes?" Ashton asked not looking at Luke.

"I need to talk to you two about something." Anne sighed tossing a nervous glance at her husband.

"It's no secret you two don't like each other very much." Anne stated looking between the two boys.

"But for the sake of the trip I hope you can behave enough to not ruin the trip for you or anyone else."

"I've tolerated him for years I think I can handle him for a week." Ashton snorted causing Luke to roll his eyes.

"Yes, but never in such close quarters." Anne sighed.

"What do you mean?" Luke frowned.

"The six of you will be sharing a suite." Anne braced for Ashton's reaction.

"Are you serious right now?" Ashton groaned.

"It's only for a week." Anne said with a hopeful look.

"I'll just have to stay on the beach as much as possible." Ashton sighed more to himself.

Luke still hadn't said anything.

"You two go ahead and get your dinner." Anne shooed away the two boys.

"I'll stay away from you if you stay away from me deal?" Ashton snapped as he and Luke walked towards the kitchen.

"Oh, no, I was gonna see if you wanted to share bunk beds with me. You could have the top." Luke said in a sarcastically excited tone.

"Fuck off." Ashton growled earning a chuckle from Luke.


"So Ash, what did mom want to talk to you and Luke about earlier?" Braxton asked as he laid on his bed while Ashton laid on Braxton's couch.

"Apparently we're all sharing a suite together." Ashton answered.

"Oh." Braxton could tell by his brother's tone that he was less than pleased.

"I'm so pissed. The perfect vacation has to be ruined by that asshole." Ashton groaned.

"Look, I know you don't like him for whatever reason but he's really not that bad." Braxton sighed.

Luke and Ashton had hated each other since the beginning of highschool. He wasn't sure what started it but the two of them just started to be rude to each other which just escalated into pure disdain. Neither one had a good reason for hating the other one other than "He's an asshole."

"Speak for yourself, I can't stand to be in the same room with him. Why did mom and dad have to get him a ticket too?" Ashton whined.

"Cause he's been our friend since fifth grade." Braxton snapped.

"No, he's been your best friend since fifth grade." Ashton corrected him.

"Whatever. It's no different than inviting Liam." Braxton pointed out.

"But Liam's cool." Ashton chuckled.

"What do you have against Luke anyway? You're like the only person who doesn't like him you realize that right?" Braxton asked looking over at his twin.

"That's probably what annoys me most about him. Everybody thinks he's the greatest thing like have you met the guy?" Ashton grimaced.

"I dunno, I think he's pretty great and he's good looking." Braxton shrugged.

"Eww, he's your best friend." Ashton wrinkled his nose.

"He's kinda hot though." Braxton shrugged.

"No way." Ashton shook his head.

"You're just blinded by hate." Braxton laughed.

"Or you're just blinded by love." Ashton teased.

"I do not love Luke. I just made an observation. I would never date him, yuck." Braxton threw a pillow at Ashton laughing.

"At least that's one thing we can agree on." Ashton laughed throwing it back.

"Well, I'm going to bed so get out of my room." Braxton said pointing towards his door.

"Okay, goodnight, Brax."

"Goodnight, Ash."

Hey, let me know what you think so far. 😊

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