Are You Two Dating?

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Luke found Liam on the balcony.

"Pawning me off on Ashton so you can get close to Braxton?" Luke asked nudging Liam playfully.

Liam turned to Luke with a sympathetic smile.

"I'm sorry. We just want you two to get along."

"Yeah, that's probably not going to happen." Luke snorted.

"You never know. " Liam shrugged. Luke didn't respond. The two looked out over the beach. It was beautiful.

"I see a bar downstairs, I'm going to hit it." Liam said pointing out a bar down below.

"Can I join you?" Luke asked.

"Sure." Liam smiled widely.

"Going out, be back in a bit." Luke called.

"Where are you going?" Braxton asked as he, Ashton, Calum and Michael appeared.

"There's a bar downstairs." Liam answered.

"You're going with him?" Ashton asked with a frown.

"Yeah, you want to join us?" Liam asked.

Ashton pondered the idea before shrugging.

"Why not, I could use a drink."

"Okay, we'll see you guys later." Michael waved as he and Calum disappeared back into their room.

"Behave." Braxton called as the other three walked out of the hotel room.

Luke shifted nervously as the three of them made their way back down stairs.

"I really am sorry you guys are stuck with each other for the week. We just can't stand that you two don't get along." Liam apologized.

"Whatever." Ashton mumbled under his breath.

As they reached the bar they heard music being played.

"This is so great." Liam smiled.
Luke couldn't help but smile as well.

He looked over to see Ashton glaring at him.

Luke gave him a small wink before putting his arm around Liams shoulders.

"Let's get a drink shall we?" Luke asked knowing he was pissing Ashton off.

Ashton glared at the blonde who had his arm wrapped around his best friend. He wanted to snatch Liam away but knew he couldn't. Liam could be friends with whomever he wanted. He just wished it wasn't Luke.

Liam glanced over at Ashton. He looked pissed.

"Hey, Ash, you wanna do a shot with us?" Liam asked.

Ashton contemplated for a minute before shrugging.


At that moment three shots were placed on the bar.

"Here's to an awesome vacation." Luke said holding up his shot.

"And great friends." Liam held up his.

"And hot girls." Ashton smirked at Luke who rolled his eyes.

The downed their shots.


Four hours later and the sun was setting. Ashton, Luke and Liam had migrated to a small campfire surrounded by chairs. They had met a few other people as well.

"So how long have you three been friends?" Jade, a long haired brunette they'd met earlier, asked.

Luke and Ashton glanced at each other.

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