I can't

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"Ashton, what's going on?" Calum asked as he approached Ashton.

"I didn't mean to, I-it was an accident." Ashton sobbed dropping to his knees.

"Hey, hey, come on, let's go inside." Calum urged gently as he lifted Ashton back to his feet.

Micheal grabbed onto Ashton and helped Calum bring him to the couch.

"Ash, what's wrong?" Michael asked kneeling in front of the broken boy.

"I-I slipped up. He hates me now." Ashton sobbed into his hands.

"Slipped up, what do you mean you slipped up?" Michael frowned looking at an equally confused Calum.

"I've missed him... so much so I-I kissed him." Ashton cried.

"Okay?" Michael still didn't understand.

"I told him. I loved him." Ashton said looking up at Michael.

Michael felt his jaw drop.

"Why would you do that?" Michael asked his tone stressed.

"Michael." Calum snapped.

"It's okay, Ashton, you said it was an accident right?" Calum asked shooting a glare at his boyfriend.

Ashton nodded.

"The kiss was different and I got caught up in the moment."

"He backed away from me. I tried to cover myself but I couldn't so I just told him, everything." Ashton buried his head in his hands again.

"Wait, did he run out on you?" Michael demanded.

"He just kept backing away. Then he ran out." Ashton nodded. Calum held Ashton as he cried.

"I'm gonna kill him." Michael growled going for the front door.

"Mikey, wait!" Calum yelled.

"I'll be right back." Calum said planting a kiss on Ashton's temple.

"Michael, wait, where are you going? You don't even know where he is." Calum yelled grabbing onto Michael's arm.

"I'm calling him." Michael answered holding up his phone.

Luke sighed as he saw Michael's name flash on his phone. He knew he better answer.

"Michael, listen-" Luke was instantly cut off.

"Lucas Robert Hemmings, you get your ass back here this instant." Michael snapped into the receiver.

"Michael I can't. I-"

"Why the hell not?" Michael snapped.

"You've been going on about how you wish you could be with Ashton and now that he's admitted his feelings for you, you bail?" Michael was furious.

"I panicked." Luke sighed.

"Well un-panic and get back here." Michael growled into the phone.

"I can't Michael, I don't know what to say." Luke groaned.

"Oh, I have an idea how about, I love you too." Michael snapped.

"But do I?" Luke asked.

"What do you mean do you?" Michael barked.

"You've been going on about how much you like him."

"Like yeah, but love? This is a big deal. I can't just say I love him. And he's Braxton's twin brother for crying out loud. This is insane." Luke exclaimed.

"Luke, it's Calum." Calum's voice spoke suddenly.

"Look, Ashton is a mess right now. He's devastated because he thinks you hate him." Calum explained calmly.

Luke could hear Michael in the background yelling.

"Tell him I don't please." Luke requested sadly.

"I tried, he needs to hear it from you." Calum urged gently.

"I can't talk to him right now Cal." Luke spoke sadly.

"At least think about it?" Calum asked.

"Trust me, I plan to be doing a lot of thinking."

Ashton had managed to stop the tears when Michael and Calum returned.

"You doing okay?" Calum asked walking towards Ashton.

"I guess." Ashton shrugged.

"I'm sorry Michael." Ashton said sadly looking at his blonde friend.

"I'm not mad at you Ash." Michael sighed.

"Why are you mad at Luke?" Ashton frowned.

Calum and Michael exchanged glances when Ashton's phone went off.

Ashton glanced down to see Luke had text him. Ashton swiped up his phone quickly opening his messages.

"Ashton, I don't hate you I just need a little bit of time. I'm sorry."

Ashton frowned before quickly responding.

"I'm so sorry, we can forget I ever said anything."

"I can't. "

Ashton sighed.

"I get that you don't feel the same but please don't let this affect our friendship. I know it's a messed up one but I wouldn't trade it for the world. I never even imagined the day I could be friends with you. If you do decide we can't be friends, I beg you not to let this affect yours and Braxton's friendship. You mean the world to him and I don't want to be the reason he loses that."

Ashton waited for Luke to respond but nothing came.

"I'm going to bed. I'll see you guys tomorrow." Ashton said standing.

"Goodnight, Ash." Calum said gripping the honey haired boy in a hug.

"Thanks guys for everything." Ashton smiled.

"And Michael don't be mad at Luke. You can't force someone to love somebody they don't." Ashton smiled sadly.

Michael opened his mouth to say something but closed it tightly back.

Once Ashton was out of the room Michael turned to Calum.

"This is killing me."

"I know but we can't interfere.  This is between Luke and Ashton." Calum shook his head.

Ashton laid in bed for hours waiting for Luke to come home or his phone to ring but neither happened.

Update, woo! Hope you like it! Love you!

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