Care to explain?

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Ashton felt awful. He'd text Luke a few times but never got a response. He'd apologized and admitted to being selfish. Despite Ashton's begging, Luke never responded.

It was late and Luke still wasn't home, he was worried but feared voicing his concern.

"Hey, Ash, you awake?" Michael asked tapping gently on Ashton's closed door.

"Yeah, come in." Ashton responded.

Michael walked in and took a seat on the edge of Ashton's bed.

"You okay?" Michael asked sympathetically.

"As okay as I can be." Ashton shrugged.

Michael put a conforting hand on Ashton's leg.

"I wish I didn't love him." Ashton spoke in barely a whisper.

"I know." Michael nodded. He'd contemplated telling Ashton that Luke felt the same way but he knew nothing good could come of it.

"I just wanted to let you know that Braxton got a call from Luke. He's out with a few friends from school so you can stop worrying."

"Thanks." Ashton gave a grateful smile.

"Try and get some sleep." Michael urged before walking out.


The next morning Luke made is way to the living room to see everyone seated around the table.

"Morning, Luke, you must have gotten in late." Braxton smiled.

"Uh, ummm, yeah." Luke answered nervously running his hand through his hair.

"Is everything okay?" Liam asked frowning.

"Uh, yeah, I'm just surprised you're all here." Luke answered.

"Yeah, I think this is the first time in a while we've all been here at the same time." Calum commented.

"Y-yeah." Luke shifted uncomfortably.

"Are you okay?" Ashton asked frowning. Luke looked a bit upset.

Luke's eyes met Ashton's. Luke narrowed his eyes a bit.

"Yes." Luke snapped.

Braxton, who had smiled proudly when Ashton showed concern, was now frowning.

"Okay, seriously, what's wrong?" Braxton demanded gently.

Just then a shorter blonde guy walked in.

"Oh, these must be the roommates you told me about." The blonde noted the group of guys looking at him.

"Yeah, I'm sorry about that, I didn't resize they'd all be here much less congregated in the living room." Luke apologized quietly.

"Hi, I'm Niall." The blonde gave a shy smile.

"Niall, this is Liam, Zayn, Michael, Calum, Braxton and Ashton." Luke introduced quickly pointing to each person as he named them off.

"And Niall is..?" Braxton trailed off waiting for Luke to finish the sentence.

Luke and Niall exchanged awkward glances.

"A friend." Luke answered.

"I see." Braxton nodded with a slight frown.

"I should get going." Niall said turning to Luke.

"Right, I'll walk you out." Luke walked Niall to the door.

"I had fun last night, thanks." Niall spoke in a quiet tone as Luke opened the door for him.

"Me too." Luke smiled.

"See ya." Niall smiled shyly. He then waved at the group before disappearing out the door.

Luke closed the door and turned to walk away when Braxton spoke up.

"Umm, care to explain?"

Luke stopped letting out a heavy sigh.

"There's nothing to explain." Luke shrugged.

"Yes, because you always sleep with strange guys." Braxton snarked.

"I met him at a bar last night. We hit it off." Luke shrugged.

"So you bring him home and sleep with him?" Braxton asked crossing his arms.

"What's the big deal?" Luke grumbled.

"Luke, come on." Braxton said standing.

"Let's talk." Braxton led Luke into the kitchen.

"What's going on?"

"Nothing, I just wanted to let off a little steam." Luke lied.

"Luke, is this about Liam?" Braxton sighed.

"What? Why would it be about Liam?" Luke frowned.

"You two had that friends with benefits thing and then he went for Zayn. That had to upset you a bit." Braxton pointed out.

Luke bit his lip. He contemplated whether he should go with it or deny it.

"I'm not going to be upset, you can tell me." Braxton smiled reassuringly.

"You won't?" Luke frowned

"You did something nice for a friend and it backfired I get it. I'm just glad you two weren't dating." Braxton answered.

"I guess I just wanted to be with someone last night. It wasn't my best moment." Luke sighed.

"I'm sorry. He seemed like a decent guy anyway." Braxton smiled.

"He's really sweet. He was just as embarrassed as I was this morning when we woke up." Luke smiled slightly.

"At least you picked a nice one." Braxton threw an arm around Luke's shoulder as they walked back into the living room.

"I'm going to go shower." Luke said making his way towards the hallway.

He reached his room and was surprised to see Ashton standing in the middle.

"Why are you in my room?" Luke demanded.

"We need to talk. " Ashton answered closing Luke's door.

"Why?" Luke snapped.

"Were you trying to hurt me by bringing some random guy home?" Ashton demanded.

"How would that hurt you?" Luke asked, confused.

"You're obviously pissed at me." Ashton pointed out.

"Yeah, I am because, I trusted you with something important to me and you turned around and used it to get in my pants." Luke barked.

"I did not use it to get in your pants." Ashton argued.

"I admit it was selfish of me to delete that text but I couldn't bare to see you two together." Ashton sighed.

"Because you wanted to sleep with me, why? Are you planning on using it against me in the future? Are you trying to get me to fall in love with you so you can break my heart? Are you planning on telling Braxton so you can be rid of me forever? What is it?" Luke was shouting.

"Luke, it's not like that." Ashton reached out to grab Luke's arm but Luke pulled away.

"Bullshit! Get out." Luke ordered pointing to the bedroom door.

"Luke, please." Ashton pleaded.

"Out." Luke barked.

Ashton felt tears prick his eyes, it hurt having Luke so pissed at him.

Luke stepped into the shower and let the tears fall. He wasn't sure of they were angry tears because he'd allowed himself to fall for Ashton or if they were sad tears because he was in love with Ashton. Either way he hated himself for trusting Ashton. He should have known it was a cruel joke.

Oh boy, drama! Let me know what you all think! Love you!

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