Are you asking me out?

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Luke let the sun warm his face as he relaxed on the edge of the beach. Braxton, Calum and Michael had decided to go snorkeling. Luke wasn't up for going so Liam offered to go the beach with him. Ashton hadn't been thrilled with the idea so he joined them.

"Liam?" A deep voice spoke causing Luke, Ashton and Liam to look over.

"Zayn, hey!" Liam said jumping up.

"Hey. Hey, Luke, Ashton." Zayn nodded at the other two guys.

"Hey." Ashton waved. Luke only gave a curt smile.

"I wanted to apologize about yesterday. I didn't realize you two were together." Zayn said talking mostly to Luke.

"We're not." Luke said quickly. Liam tossed a sad glance at Luke but he didn't notice.

"Oh, I thought..." Zayn trailed off obviously confused.

"T-then could I possibly steal him for a bit?" Zayn asked with a small smile.

"Of course. You two have fun." Luke answered simply.

"Great, then Liam, would you go out with me tonight?" Zayn asked grabbing Liam's hand.

Liam tossed a glance at Luke who didn't react.

"Are you asking me out?" Liam asked just stalling in case Luke decided to object. He cared for Luke but he couldn't wait around for him especially if no one was okay with them dating.

"Yeah, I told you last night I've liked you for a while." Zayn grinned blushing a bit.

"Then yes, I'd love to." Liam grinned.

Zayn grinned widely before leaning in and placing a kiss on Liam's lips.

Luke looked away not wanting to see anymore.

"Come on, I've got a  few things I wanna do first." Zayn said tugging Liam after him.

"I'll see you guys later." Liam said glancing once again at Luke who was already not paying attention anymore.

"Have fun." Ashton replied. Luke waved without opening his eyes. He was determined to relax.

"Zayn, wait, what are you doing? Put me down!" Luke and Ashton heard Liam hollar. The two watched as Zayn who had Liam thrown over his shoulder waded into the ocean waist deep. He set Liam down and quickly pulled him into a deep kiss which Liam didn't seem to have a problem returning.

Ashton watched Luke's reaction with jealous eyes.

"Don't watch, it only makes it worse." Ashton said turning back to watch his best friend splash Zayn before giggling.

"I know but I can't look away." Luke said his voice barely above a whisper.

"I know we could never be together but....he's such a great guy." Luke sighed watch Liam and Zayn play in the waves.

"He really is." Ashton agreed.

"Not helping." Luke grumbled.

"Right, sorry." Ashton glanced at his phone. It was only two in the afternoon. How was he going to manage spending all day with Luke alone?

Twenty minutes had passed and Zayn and Liam were now building a sand castle together and flirting heavily.

"What are they five?" Luke huffed.

"You're just jealous." Ashton snapped.

"Of digging in the sand? Hardly." Luke scoffed.

"No, of the fact that Zayn is currently kissing Liam and you're not." Ashton growled.

Luke whipped his head to see Liam and Zayn indeed wrapped in another kiss.

Luke bit his lip and looked away. He didn't know how much more he could handle.

"You said you knew what it was like to love someone who didn't love you back. How did you manage it?" Luke asked suddenly.

Ashton frowned.

"I didn't." Ashton answered simply.

"What do you mean? Didn't you ever get over her?" Luke asked frowning.

"Get over who?" Ashton was now confused.

"The girl you were in love with, the one who didn't love you back." Luke clarified.

"No, I haven't gotten over...her...yet." Ashton said looking away.

"Wait, you're still in love with her?" Luke asked wide eyed.

"Despite my best efforts." Ashton spoke through grit teeth.

"I didn't realize you were into anyone." Luke hummed.

"I don't like to talk about it." Ashton shrugged. It felt weird talking about this with Luke. In fact this was the longest the two had ever talked civilly.

"Oh, sorry." Luke apologized as he drug his gaze back two Liam and Zayn.

Ashton watched Luke as he watched Liam. Ashton truly hated seeing Luke so upset. He'd never been so visibly upset by Liam before.

"Why are you so upset about him all of a sudden?" Ashton had to know.

"I just wish I could have been enough, ya know? He wanted to know what it was like to kiss a guy so I let him kiss me. Then he wanted to do it again, he really got into it. I was prepared to let him take it as far as he wanted. After that moment I became putty under his touch. I loved that he hated Alec. And even though I told myself we could never be together and I would use Alec to get over him, I held onto the hope that maybe, just maybe, he felt the same way I did."

Luke sighed pulling his eyes away from the couple in the sand.

"It's stupid I know. Look at Zayn, I could never compete with that. Hell he told me he had a thing for Braxton. Guess he was lying. Though that didn't make me feel any better. I never should have let him kiss me. I thought maybe the feelings would go away if I finally got a taste. You know how they say you want what you can't have. With Liam that wasn't the case, it only made me want more." Luke bit his lip as he fiddled with a leaf that had fall from a nearby palm tree.

Ashton remained silent. The guilt was eating him alive. He didn't want Luke and Liam together but he truly hated seeing Luke this way.

"Come on." Ashton huffed standing suddenly.

"What?" Luke frowned looking up at Ashton.

"We're stuck together today and we don't need to sit here and watch Zayn stick his tongue down Liam's throat anymore. I know we don't get along but maybe this way we'll get the guys off out backs for a while about getting along. Just pretend I'm Brax and I'll pretend you're not your evil twin." Ashton joked earning a smirk and an eye roll from Luke.

"Come on." Ashton repeated holding a hand out to the blonde.

Luke smiled before taking Ashton's hand.

Woo, another one! Hope you like it! What do you think is going to happen? I love to hear your guys theories!

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