Change it up how?

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The boys had finally landed and were currently checking into the hotel. Ashton was glad to be off the plane. Luke had left him alone but just being beside him annoyed Ashton.

"Okay six keys, one for everybody." Braxton said passing out keys.

"Don't lose them." Braxton warned.

Ashton shoved the key in his pocket and followed the others to the elevator. He noticed Liam looked a little uneasy. He was about to ask him what was wrong when Luke gave a small nudge getting Liam's attention. When Liam looked over Luke gave a small smile and a wink. Ashton felt his jaw clench.
Liam smiled and looked down as if embarrassed. Ashton couldn't help but frown. Why were Liam and Luke so close all of a sudden?

The elevator door dinged and the six boys filed out of the elevator and to their room.

"Okay, room 803 remember that." Braxton pointed out as he unlocked the door.

The hotel was nice just like any hotel room only a decent bit bigger.

"So wait how many rooms does this place have?" Luke asked.

"Three. So we'll split off into pairs." Braxton answered.

"So malum, laxton and Asham. Perfect." Luke nodded looking around. They sometimes referred to the three pairs by what the girls at their school had called ship names.

The room got really quiet as Liam and Braxton exchanged looks.

"Ahem." Liam cleared his throat.

"We thought we might change it up a bit." Liam said looking at Braxton for support.

"Change it up how?" Ashton asked narrowing his eyes.

"Well Calum and Michael and then Liam and I and-"

"No." Ashton interrupted Braxton.

"Not a chance." Luke shook his head.

"We aren't giving you guys a choice." Calum spoke up then.

"Why the fuck not?" Ashton snapped.

"You and Luke need to learn how to get along." Braxton answered.

"We're not toddlers, we don't need to learn anything. We don't like each other, period." Luke snapped this time.

"You guys can't be in the same room together much less hold a conversation with one another." Michael added.

"Yes we can, watch, hey Ashton fuck you."

"Bite me."

"See? Boom, conversation." Luke said throwing his hands up.

"That's not a conversation." Braxton growled grabbing Ashton and Luke's bags.

"I'm not sharing a fucking room with him." Ashton barked following his brother into one of the rooms.

"Yes you are. And if you don't I promise you will when we move into Michael's aunts house." Braxton snapped turning to face his brother.

Ashton glared at his twin. Neither moved or said a word.

"Fine." Ashton snarled snatching his bag from Braxton's grasp.

Braxton gave a satisfied smile before turning to Luke who looked mortified.

"You can't be serious."

"Very." Braxton answered.

"Are you fucking kidding me?" Ashton's voice came from behind Braxton.

"What?" Braxton turned.

"I'm not sharing a bed with him." Ashton said crossing his arms.

"What's the matter, afraid you're gonna catch the gay?" Luke jeered walking into the bedroom.

"Fuck off, you know that doesn't bother me." Ashton snapped.

"Okay, you two learn how to get along for a week." Braxton huffed closing them in the room.

"So much for a nice relaxing vacation." Luke groaned as he sat on the bed.

"No kidding." Ashton agreed. Why would his brother do this to him? And Liam.

"What's going on between you and Liam?" Ashton blurted out.

"What? What do you mean?" Luke frowned in confusion.

"You and Liam have been spending a lot of time together lately. He stayed with you last night and you two were exchanging looks in the lobby." Ashton pointed out.

"I'm not sleeping with your precious Liam, if that's what your asking." Luke smirked.

"Good, keep it that way." Ashton snapped.

"Why? Is someone jealous?" Luke teased.

"Hardly, I just don't want you near Liam." Ashton scoffed.

"Isn't he straight anyway?" Luke asked.

"Yes. But even if he wasn't he could do better than you." Ashton growled.

"Sounds like somebody has the hots for his best friend." Luke teased knowing it would piss Ashton off.

"I do not." Ashton said a lot less animated then Luke had expected. Maybe he really did like Liam.

"Look, just stay away from Liam and leave me alone, deal?" Ashton sighed almost desperate.

"Nope. I'll leave you alone but I won't stay away from Liam unless he wants me to and I don't think he does." Luke winked before sliding out of the door.

Ashton clenched his jaw. Luke really knew how to push Ashton's buttons. This was going to be a long week.

Super short update for you guys!

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