Too far

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Luke wanted to text Liam so badly but he knew it wasn't the best idea while he was with Ashton. Luke was currently at dinner with Michael but had slipped off to the bathroom which left Luke contemplating if he should text Liam or not.

"Sorry, I'm back, anyway. You were saying that you hung out with Liam for the first time alone today." Michael sat down at the booth he and Luke were at.

"Yeah, it was a lot of fun but Ashton stopped by when I was leaving." Luke grimaced at the memory.

"Oh, no, Ashton gets super weird about you being around Liam." Michael frowned.

"I know. He wasn't happy, it made my day." Luke chuckled.

"What is it with you two anyway?" Michael asked shoving a fry in his mouth.

"What do you mean?" Luke asked glancing at his phone. He was hoping Liam would text him first.

"You and Ash. You like seriously hate each other, why?" Michael specified.

"He's an-"

"Asshole, yes I know but why only to you. What happened between you two? Like what started all this?" Michael pressed.

"I dunno we weren't ever close. I was good friends with Braxton he was good friends with Liam. Ash, and Brax are close so we all kind of hung out. Then next thing I know he's being an ass so I give it back to him. And I'm not the only one he's a dick to. There have been plenty of people." Luke said.

"So he started being an ass to you for no reason?" Michael asked clarifying.

"I dunno, he just doesn't like me. I don't like him. Why does it matter?" Luke asked.

"It's just, we've all been friends forever and yet you two can't get passed this feud of yours." Michael shrugged.

"It's not a feud, we just don't get along. Tons of people don't get along." Luke frowned.

"I guess." Michael frowned at Luke's answer. He was hoping for something more.


Luke plopped down on his bed. Michael wanted to see a movie after dinner so it was nine thirty by the time he got home.

"Luke, there you are. Were you out with Liam all day?" Liz popped her head in to Luke's cracked door.

"Hey, mom, no, I met Michael for dinner and then we went and saw a movie." Luke answered.

"Well don't forget you have packing to finish tomorrow." Liz said gesturing around Luke's room.

"I know, I know. I'll get it done." Luke said with a sigh.

His I'm blew him a kiss before closing the door.

As if on cue Luke's phone rang. Luke looked down to see Liam's face.

Luke swallowed hard as he answered the phone. He had to remind himself that he and Liam were only friends. Though he hoped for more after earlier's kiss.

"Hey." Luke answered trying to hide any nerves in his voice.

"Hey, you're not still out with Michael are you?" Liam asked.

"Nope, I'm home." Luke said laying on his back.

"Do you think we could know...earlier?" Liam was obviously nervous.

"Sure. Are you okay?" Luke asked concerned.

"Yeah, I'm just...really confused." Liam said.

"About?" Luke pushed.

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