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Ashton opened the door to the house and stopped short. In the living room were all the guys and another blonde. A very familiar blonde.

"Ashton." Braxton jumped up eagerly.

"W-why is he here? Ashton asked turning back to the blonde.

"Braxton called me." Jace answered walking towards Ashton.

"Why?" Ashton frowned looking at his brother.

"I know you're miserable right now and I wanted to help. I called Jace and told him about your feelings for him." Braxton answered.

"You what?!" Ashton snapped.

"I didn't even know you were gay. If I'd known sooner...." Jace trailed off taking Ashton's hands in his.

Ashton felt his heart race he glanced at a confused looking, Liam, Calum and Michael. Luke looked...hurt?

"Ashton, don't be mad at Braxton, I'm glad he told me. Honestly I've had feelings for you for a little while but like I said I didn't know you were gay." Jace spoke looking down shyly.

Ashton stood silent. He loved that his brother was so concerned for him but this wasn't right. He didn't love Jace, he loved Luke. He looked at a nervous looking Jace. He didn't have the heart to tell him he didn't actually have feelings for him.

"Are you okay?" Jace asked seeming concerned.

"Y-yeah, I'm just...overwhelmed at the moment." Ashton answered that wasn't exactly a lie. He looked at Luke again to see him looking at his phone. He couldn't have cared less that Jace was there.

"Maybe I can help." Jace smiled shyly before placing his lips on Ashton's. Ashton wanted to pull away but didn't. If he did, Braxton would know he'd been lying. Instead Ashton closed his eyes and let Jace's lips mold to his. The kiss was gentle and sweet. His lips were soft but he wasn't Luke. Jace pulled away gently and that's when Ashton realized this could be what he needed to get over Luke.

"You're lips are better than I imagined." Jace grinned a light blush touching his cheeks.

"Yours too." Ashton smiled forcing himself to go along with it.

"Could we maybe go for a walk?" Jace asked glancing at all the eyes watching them.

"Yeah, of course." Ashton nodded his eyes meeting Luke's briefly.

Luke gave him a thumbs up which felt like a knife to the stomach.

"So why didn't you ever tell me how you felt?" Jace asked. They were sitting on a park bench, the sun had just gone down.

"I just figured it would be pointless." Ashton shrugged.

"Well I'm glad Braxton called." Jace grinned.

Ashton only smiled.

"Is everything okay?" Jace asked frowning at bit. He must have picked up on Ashton's discomfort.

"I'm just really thrown off guard, sorry." Ashton apologized.

"I'm sorry, I shouldn't have shown up unannounced but I had to see you." Jace smiled shyly.

"I'm glad you did." Ashton lied.

"Are you really? Cause I'm getting the feeling this was a bad idea." Jace frowned.

"No, no, I just..." Ashton trailed off trying to come up with a believable lie. He needed to get his shit together.

"You'll be the first guy I've ever been with." Ashton lied once again.

"Really?" Jace asked eyes widening.

"I didn't know that, I just assumed you'd been with tons, I mean you're hot and fun and sweet." Jace flushed slightly.

Ashton grinned but this time it wasn't forced.

"I only recently came out." Ashton admitted. He found it easy to talk to Jace. It always had been but they'd never talked about something so serious.

"I see. Well I don't want to push you or rush anything." Jace spoke grabbing Ashton's hand.

"I want you to set the pace. That is if you even want to be with me." Jace spoke quickly.

Ashton laughed but instead of answering he lifted Jace's chin and pressed his lips to Jace's.

Jace kissed back eagerly. Their lips parted gently allowing thier tongues to roam one another's.

"I've imagined doing that for so long." Jace grinned once Ashton pulled away. He was definitely no Luke but he was a good kisser.

"How long exactly?" Ashton asked his curiosity getting the better of him.

"About six months or so." Jace answered.

Again instead of responding Ashton kissed him.

It had been almost four hours and Ashton hadn't returned home. It was driving Luke mad.

He hated to admit it but he was insanely jealous of Jace. He was in too deep. He'd fallen face first for Ashton and now Ashton was with the guy he'd claimed to be so in love with. He secretly hated Braxton for telling Jace but he knew Ashton deserved to be happy.  Luke's jealousy was getting the better of him.

Finally Luke gave in and pulled his phone out.

He felt relief when the voice on the other end answered.

"Hey, Niall, you wanna come over?"

Oh boy....let me know what you guys think.
I know, 3 chapters in a row. I'm in a writing mood, what can I say?

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