We need to talk

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Luke sat down on the bed and burried his head in his hands. He was so frustrated. Liam was slowly breaking his heart and he didn't know what to do.
Just then Ashton walked in.

"We need to talk." Ashton growled.

"Look, Ashton, I'm not in the mood." Luke said his voice breaking slightly.

"I don't give a shit." Ashton snapped.

"Please." Luke begged his voice barely above a whisper.

"Why are you so upset?" Ashton demanded.

Luke didn't respond. He was too busy struggling to keep from crying.

"A-are you about to cry?" Ashton asked his tone changing suddenly.

At that Luke lost it. A few tears fell down Luke's face.

"Fucking hell." Ashton swore.

"Braxton." Ashton said suddenly before turning for the door.

"No." Luke jumped up grabbing Ashton's arm.

"Please, don't." Luke begged not letting go of Ashton.

"Look, I don't know what you're crying about but I can't deal with you like this." Ashton frowned.

"If you promise not to tell anyone I'll tell you what happened with Liam." Luke begged.

"I don't want the details." Ashton snapped pulling away from Luke.

"Even if it's about me getting hurt?" Luke asked.

"What do you mean?" Ashton  frowned.

"Liam used me to find out if he was gay. When he was sure of it I offered to be friends with benefits because he was struggling with being attracted to all of us. I offered because I was hoping he would return my feelings for him. But he told me he was in love with someone else. So I planned to use Alec to get over him. Alec found out about my feelings for Liam. That's why he left. Then Liam was with Zayn. I know you told me to stay away from Liam but I couldn't help it. But it's pretty clear he doesn't return my feelings so you can rest easy knowing I'll never date him. And it should also please you to know that he broke my heart." Luke spoke his voice breaking once again.

Ashton stood silent. He didn't know what to say.

"Does-does Liam know? How you feel I mean." Ashton finally spoke up.

Luke shook his head.

Ashton once again remained quiet.

"Why are you so quiet? No rubbing in that Liam doesn't return my feelings? No yelling at me about having feelings for Liam?" Luke sneered.

"I may not be a fan of you but I know what it's like to love someone who doesn't feel the same way." Ashton replied looking away from the blonde.

"Really?" Luke asked surprised.

Ashton nodded.

The two sat in silence for a moment.

"I knew about your feelings for Liam." Ashton spoke looking at Luke.

"I assumed. What with you threatening me to stay away from him. I figured you had feelings for him too and that's why you hated me so much." Luke looked curiously at Ashton. He had always been curious about Ashton's hatred towards him.

"No, I don't have feelings for Liam." Ashton answered.

Luke waited for Ashton to say something else but he didn't. Luke was in no mood to push so he too remained silent.

"How do you plan on getting over Liam?" Ashton asked suddenly.

"I don't know. Find some cute island boy, drink myself to death, whatever." Luke shrugged.

Ashton frowned and clenched his jaw but didn't respond. Luke didn't notice Ashton's annoyance.

Luke stood then.

"I'm going to head down to the pool I'll try not to wake you when I come in."

"Can I trust you'll stay away from Liam now?" Ashton asked.

"Don't worry, that's not a concern anymore." Luke answered before walking out.

Ashton threw himself back on the bed. At that moment he heard a buzz. He turned to see Luke's phone on the bed next to him. Liam had sent him a text.

Ashton, curious, opened it.

"Luke, I'm sorry about Alec and Zayn. I never intended to hurt you. I was just jealous of Alec because....well because I think I'm falling for you. I know we agreed no feelings and I told you I had feelings for Braxton but truth is I don't. I think I love you. If I don't hear back from you I'll know where you stand. But if by some chance you feel the same, please forgive me and let's start over.... Please."

Ashton stared at the words in shock. Ashton gripped the phone tightly. He glanced down at the delete button, his heart torn. His figure hovered over the button hesitantly. He moved his figure away. But then he hovered again.

Luke opened the door to the bedroom to see Ashton still on the bed. Without a word he walked over and grabbed his phone from where he left it.

"Luke, wait." Ashton said standing.

He glanced at the phone in Luke's hand.

"This exchange between us tonight... Only between us understood?" Ashton said his jaw clenched.

"Don't worry, I don't have any plans to repeat it." Luke rolled his eyes before walking out leaving Ashton alone once again.

Another update.
So what do you think? Did Ashton delete the message from Liam or not?

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