Putting in effort

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Luke woke up to the sun streaming in through the open window. He sat up, groggy.
Ashton wasn't in sight. He crawled out of bed and drug himself to the bathroom. He quickly brushed his teeth then rinsed off in the shower. Wrapping a towel around his waist he walked out into the living room.

"Hey, you're awake!" Liam grinned jumping up from the couch where he had been sitting.

"Morning, Li." Luke smiled his heart racing a bit.

"How'd you sleep?" Liam asked walking towards Luke.

"Good, you?" Luke answered.

"Great, thanks to you." Liam smiled pressing a small kiss on Luke's lips.

"Liam..." Luke sighed.

"I know, we could get caught, I just like the way you make me feel." Liam shrugged with a sigh.

"But we aren't together." Luke Said trying to remind himself more than Liam.

"I know...but-"

Liam got interrupted as Ashton and Braxton walked into the room.

"Morning you two." Braxton smiled widely while Ashton glared at Luke.

"Morning Brax." Luke smiled.

"So there was a message for you on the hotel phone this morning from the lobby. An Alec Lightwood left you his number." Braxton smirked.

"Oh, really?" Luke asked excitedly taking the paper with Alec's number from Braxton.

"So who's this Alec guy?" Braxton asked.

"His one night stand from last night."

"A total stranger he picked up at the bar last night."

Ashton and Liam both sneered at the same time.

"Whoa, do I sense a little tension in the air?" Braxton asked frowning between the three other guys.

"He's this cute guy who was eyeing me from the bar last night. That's all." Luke shrugged.

"That took you back to his room." Ashton jeered.

"He didn't actually." Luke argued.

"Though that's the third time you've mentioned it. Are you sure you aren't jealous?" Luke smirked.

Ashton scoffed before walking off to the bedroom.

"You're supposed to be trying to get along not instigating him." Braxton scolded Luke.

"He hates me, he doesn't want to get along." Luke shrugged.

"Go play nice and put some clothes on." Braxton demanded.

Luke rolled his eyes but didn't argue.

Luke walked in the room causing Ashton to look up from his phone.
Ashton's eyes drug over Luke. The towel hung loosely to Luke's hips causing Ashton to frown.
He opened his mouth to say something rude when Luke spoke up.

"I didn't sleep with Alec last night." Luke said not looking at Ashton.

"I don't care if you did." Ashton snapped even though he did care.
He cared more than he would ever admit.

"Then why do you keep mentioning it?" Luke asked raising a brow at Ashton.

"Because I want to see if you'll admit it in front of Liam." Ashton answered.

"Look I've told you before nothing is going on between Liam and I." Luke huffed.

Ashton narrowed his eyes.

"That may be true but I know you have a thing for him." Ashton snapped.

"Actually I don't." Luke shook his head before grabbing a pair of boxers and pulling them up under the towel allowing it to drop to the ground.

"Whatever." Ashton growled returning to his phone.

"Hey, don't get pissy with me. I'm not the one that has a thing for my best friend." Luke smirked.

"What are you talking about?" Ashton frowned.

Luke walked over to Ashton.

"You don't want to admit your feelings from him cause you don't want to admit you're gay." Luke chuckled.

"Fuck off, I'm not gay." Ashton snapped sitting up.

"Then why are you so concerned about if I like Liam or not?" Luke asked crossing his arms.

"I'm not." Ashton snapped again.

Luke smiled. He knew he was getting under Ashton's skin and he thought it was funny.

"Why don't you go bother Braxton." Ashton grumbled.

"He wants us to get along remember? I'm trying to at least look like I'm putting effort in." Luke said rolling his eyes.

"Yes, because accusing me of being gay and in love with my best friend is the best way for us to start getting along." Ashton scoffed.

"I don't see you putting in any effort." Luke snapped.

"We aren't going to be friends so put the idea out of your head." Ashton growled.

"Oh I'm aware. But I don't need you to be my friend, I have Liam." Luke winked causing Ashton to clench his jaw.

Luke smirked to himself before walking over to his phone and dialing the number Alec had left him.

Ashton felt his anger build. He was looking forward to a nice relaxing vacation but he was stuck rooming with the one person he couldn't stand to be in the same room with.

"Yeah, I'd like that. You're still coming to hang out on the beach right?" Luke spoke happily into the receiver which only irked Ashton more.
He walked out of the shared room and into the living room.

"Braxton switch rooms with me." Ashton demanded glaring at his twin.

"Ash, you and Luke need to get passed this. It's frustrating and stressful for all of us." Braxton sighed.

"You think I like this? I can't change how I feel about him okay, do you really have to force me to be around him more than necessary?" Ashton asked in frustration.

"How do you feel about him exactly?" Liam asked frowning as he stepped into the room.

"I hate him." Ashton growled.

"I need a reason and one that isn't he's an asshole." Braxton said crossing his arms.

Ashton grit his teeth. What could he possibly say?

"He's so full of himself, everyone thinks he's so great, I just don't get it." Ashton snapped.

He knew his reasons were weak but he couldn't possibly tell them the truth.

Finally another update, sorry it took me so long I was working on the trailer for permanent Vacation. It's done if you want to go check it out. I'll be making one for this one next but it'll be a little while. Anyway, I'll shut up now. Hope you enjoyed it! Much love!

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