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Liam closed the door behind him. He must have had a look on his face because the three guys in the room looked concerned.

"Are you okay?" Calum asked.

"I-I don't honestly know." Liam frowned walking towards the kitchen.

"What happened?" Braxton asked shifting nervously.

"He doesn't have feelings for me." Liam answered his voice breaking.

"You asked him?" Braxton gasped.

"I had to know." Liam sighed sadly.

"I'm sorry." Michael said tossing a glare at Braxton.

"It's fine. I can concentrate on Zayn now." Liam said putting on a smile.

Ashton and Luke walked into the living room just as there was a knock on the door.

"Must be Zayn." Liam said hurrying to get the door.

Sure enough in stepped Zayn holding a single red rose.

"Hey, love." Zayn smiled widely holding the rose out to Liam.

"Wow,  that's so sweet." Liam blushed.

Zayn leaned in pressing his lips to Liams.

Ashton glanced at Luke to see him drop his eyes to the ground clearly not wanting to see.

"Ready?" Zayn asked as he pulled away.

"Yeah. See you guys later." Liam waved.

"Okay, so what is for dinner?" Michael asked once Liam and Zayn were gone.

"I'm not hungry." Luke answered.

"We had a late lunch." Ashton agreed with Luke.

"Okay, well we're going out. Can you two be civil for a bit longer?" Braxton asked cautiously.

"I think I can manage not to kill him for a couple more hours." Ashton answered.

"I can't make any promises." Luke shrugged.

"Please behave." Braxton begged as he and the other two left the room.

"Wonderful more quality time together." Luke rolled his eyes.

I'm no more pleased than you are." Ashton huffed.

Are you going to tell Braxton how you feel about Liam?" Ashton asked suddenly.

"What? No. Definitely not." Luke shook his head.

"He's gonna figure it out." Ashton replied.

"No he's not." Luke disagreed.

"You're making it too obvious. Why do you think Liam questioned you?" Ashton knew he was poking an open wound but he was jealous of Luke's feelings for Liam. He tended to lash out when he was jealous which ended up starting the fighting between him and Luke.
He remembered well the first time he'd snapped at Luke. He felt bad immediately but couldn't bring himself to apologize.

"Luke, that guy is checking you out." Braxton snickered as he nudged his best friend.

"Oh, he's kinda cute." Luke noted.

Ashton turned to see who they were talking about. He turned to see the guy now walking towards them.

"Luke Hemmings, right?" The guy asked.

"Yeah?" Luke nodded not knowing the guys name.

"I'm Alexander Gaskarth. But you can call me Alex." The guy winked.

"Oh you're in ninth grade right?" Luke asked suddenly realizing who it was.

"Yeah." Alex nodded obviously pleased Luke knew who he was.

"I wanted to ask you if you wanted to hang out after school, I know a pretty good pizza shop not far from here." Alex smiled.

"Sure." Luke nodded a bit shy.

"Perfect, it's a date. I'll see you after the last bell then. Front door." Alex grinned walking away once Luke had agreed.

"You do realize that you just agreed to go on a date with a ninth grader." Ashton snapped.

"I know." Luke nodded unable to wipe the grin off his face.

"You're in seventh grade. Ninth graders don't date seventh graders." Ashton snapped again.

"He probably asked you cause he was dared to or something." Ashton huffed.

"Ashton." Braxton snapped at his twin.

"Alex seems nice, I'm sure he wouldn't do that."

Ashton frowned at the memory. Alex hadn't been dared to ask Luke out. The two ended up dating the rest of the year and the following summer until Alex moved away. Luke had been crushed. Ashton and Luke had created quite the feud. They couldn't stand each other and from then forward that was how Ashton coped with his feelings for Luke.

"What are you thinking about so hard over there?" Luke frowned noticing Ashton's deeply furrowed brow.

"Nothing." Ashton snapped.

Luke didn't respond.

"Aren't you worried about Braxton finding out how you feel?" Ashton asked continuing the previous conversation.

"Like I said a moment ago, had you been listening, I plan on getting over Liam, very soon." Luke replied.

"And just how do you plan on doing that?" Ashton questioned.

"There's bound to be a guy or two I can sleep with." Luke shrugged.

"Not in our bed." Ashton barked.

"Aww, baby, don't worry, I'd never sleep with someone in our bed. That's for you and I only." Luke spoke in a sweet voice.

"Shut up, you knew what I meant." Ashton snapped.

"It's okay, I know you're in love with me you don't have to hide it." Luke winked.

Ashton glared at Luke but didn't respond out of fear that his voice might give him away.

Update, yay! Let me know what you think!

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