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"In the beginning, God created Heaven and Earth. Soon after he created the first humans, Adam and Eve, they disobeyed and got sent out of Eden and they had three kids Cain, Abel and Seth."

"who's Seth? Adam and Eve only had two sons Cain and Abel. And here I thought you were knowledgeable in literature, you don't even know the bible." said my annoying cousin.

"I doubt that you read your bible, and you just listen to the sermons, read the bible then talk to me. Genesis, chapter 4, verse 25." I handed her the bible and saw her read it with her face all red with embarrassment.

"I bet you don't even know that nephilims exist in the bible." I said as I smirk.

"I thought that was only in the movie, "demons might weep." She said confused

"Genesis, chapter 6, verse 1." I said almost immediately.

"fine! Idiot." She shouted as she storms out of my room.

Things Happen(Crimson Crow) [Discontinued]Where stories live. Discover now