Chapter 14: Conquest

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"Mark, why are we doing this boring look out or something." Violette asked Mark.
"Because it's Azrael's orders and you can't fly around the barrier the only entrance is that damn gate." Mark leaned on a rock.
"I know, but it's boring" Violette lifts up her wings.
"Violette, patience." Mark gives her a piece of chocolate.
"but this'll make me more hyper." Violette eats the chocolate.
"and I'll give you more if you keep quiet."
"where'd you get this though?"
"I can make chocolate."
"okay, fine."

As they waited at the base of mount Olympus , they noticed a stranger looking for something under the rocks. Violette and Mark hid as much as they could, Mark summoned a bush to cover them.

"oh dear oh my where might be the key to Olympus." The stranger said as he scratched his head.
"who could he be?" Violette whispered to Mark.
"Our entrance." Replied mark.

Little did they know the person they were talking about were Hermes the messenger god. Hermes gets close to the bush and scratched his head another time. "was there always a big bush here?" he told himself. "well whatever." Then he lifted up the rock beside Mark's bush and saw the key. "amazing."

As Hermes opened the gate of Olympus, Bidrich came and he was seen by Hermes.
"Bidrich? W-why are you here? Your father will not be please knowing you're here." Said Hermes.
"of course not." Bidrich arms himself with his claymore.
"I see you're taking care of the weapon Hephaestus made you. You don't deserve that anymore, it was blessed by your father." Hermes arms himself with his spear.
"well you can always take it from me. I'm glad you're the first god I met today, you were always annoying." Hermes and Bidrich charged at each other.
"oh man, Mark let's help him." Violette tries to jump out of the bush but Mark stopped her.
"Uriel told us he's a telepath and telekinetic. The guy with the spear is already dead." Mark clenches his fist.

Bidrich struck Hermes down by the heel and as Bidrich nears Hermes to strike the final blow, Violette stopped Bidrich by Icing his whole body. She thought he stopped him completely but the armor Bidrich was wearing heated up and melted the ice, after the ice melted Bidrich jumped away at a safe distance.

"who's she Hermes?" asked Bidrich.
"I don't know, but I'm not complaining."
"wings? Are you one of heavens angel or another fallen angel?"
"I am no angel I'm just a human and you're evil!" Violettes wings turned metallic once again
"I'm Bidrich what's your name?"
"what does it matter to you?"
"well I need to know your name if you don't want your tombstone to be nameless."
"what are you talking about?" Violette noticed a large shadow below her, as she looked up in the sky she saw 2 large boulders.
"well, good bye."

Bidrich launched the boulders to Violette and Hermes, they both braced themselves and they heard a loud thump. Both of them looked around and there were branches around them as hard as ironwood.

"another one? I've no time for this!" Bidrich ran to the stairs to Olympus and Burned the path.
"can you try freezing it?" Mark asked Violette.
"The area is too big, it'll take a long time I'll just fly us there."
"wait. Have this, I cannot use it right now. Bidrich will be after his father, please protect the king" said Hermes as he gives his sandals to Mark.
"we will. Wear this, this'll make you fly faster, take off your shoes" Mark told Violette.

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