Chapter 1: Happy Birthday

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"Josh it's a new day! A good day. What a great day were having today." My annoying of a cousin wakes me from my sleep purposely letting me smell the great pizza of Giza right across the road from our apartment complex.
"five more minutes, please." I said as I cover myself with a blanket, truth be told I'm not really a morning person, I regret going to early class the first week college started.
"please or else we'll miss the bus and the gang, Joash Franz."
"then go alone yourself." I threw her a pillow making her drop her pizza.
As I realize the great mistake that I've done I tried to apologize to her but my apology was met with a karate chop, on my stomach. After that she storms off my place and goes to school first just as I instructed her to do. I cooked my own breakfast and took a bath as usual, I looked at the time and shit it was already 7:30 I'll be late. I hurriedly ran towards the elevator and held the close door button so that it won't stop. When I got outside I was Violette with the guys.
"hey Josh! Come on we'll be late you slowpoke!" Jonathan my childhood friend, thank god you waited for me, though the one who really made Jonathan wait was Jane, his twin sister, I was thankful all the same. When I entered the car we heard a faint sound.
"Hey!" a voice of a girl, "Hey wait for me!" It was Gabrielle.
"Should we let her?" Jonathan asks me.
"Why not, she's still part of the gang."
"But both of your history—"
"It's fine."
"Thanks you guys." As she entered the car.
While Jonathan was driving I can't help but get annoyed in the awkward silence of the car so I plan to break the silence, kind of. "Hey guys, do you have any plans after dismissal?"
"No not really, why?" Jonathan asks.
"nothing really, wanna go to this new bar a few blocks away, they said it's good shit."
"what? Why?"
"Happy Birthday!" Gabby and Jane suddenly greets me out of nowhere and Violette suddenly wakes up from her sleep. "oh right today's your birthday! Sure bro, want to invite the whole batch?"
"Whatever suits you bro."
"Huh? What happened? Oh right, HBD SJC." Violette said as she goes back to her slumber.
"What does she mean by that?" Jane asks.
"HBD SJC, means Happy Birthday Stupid Joash Cousin." Then everybody in the car laughs their asses of. As usual Gabby is still studying her butt off, nothing really changes from her.

When we arrived at the university me, Jane, and Violette hurriedly got out and ran to where our class is. "Hurry! Before professor Winglo scolds us." There was no reply thereafter, I don't know where Jane and Violette had gone maybe they need to go to the comfort room but it didn't stop me. When I arrived in class Prof. Winglo is nowhere to be found,"either I'm early or he's late."
"everyone is early Mr. Franz,everyone but you I suppose." Said the professor while sitting on my rightful chair.
"But it's still 7:58,Prof, I'm not late."
"I didn't say you're late,I just said everyone is early but you." Said he as he stood up and proceeds to go in front. "Go on sit on your chair, class is starting."
I proceeded to go to my chair and surprisingly Violette and Jane got in class first, It irritated me in a way but whatever.
Class started like usual with the Prof teaching us and us taking notes. Then suddenly I felt something on my back, something burning "Wtf." I told to myself and hurriedly excused myself out of the classroom to go to the bathroom, I took of my shirt and I saw something disturbing, my back was branded! Panicking is the last think I'd do in this kind of situation, I'll keep it to myself for now. I got back from class and kept quiet.
It was already past dismissal time and I'm still at school, I forgot I've got special classes today. Thankfully I got out of special classes early, while walking to the place I crossed paths with Gabby. The atmosphere was very awkward, I tried to open my mouth to break the silence but she spoke first.
"Look it's fine if you hate me for breaking up with you." Said she while looking down.
"It's fine really, I understand that you need to study first, especially you're a medical student."
"It's not just that."
"Then what else?"
She couldn't answer my question as her eyes were stuck on the ground.
"Look, There's no hard feelings about it. And look up, you might hit a pole or something." She smiled and just nodded at me and we continued walking. When we arrived at the venue wecan already hear the loud music a few blocks away.
"Angels den, huh?" she snorted
"Ladies first"
"My pleasure"
When we entered the bar there were people who are already wasted and some couples grinding on the dance floor.
"naughty angels then."Gabby giggles. "I'll go find Jane and the others, while you can entertain yourself and do whatever the hell you want." Then off she goes.
"Hey! It's Joash Franz, or most commonly called, Josh. The man of the hour is fancy late. Anyways cheers for the birthday boy! Happy nineteenth birthday josh!" Drunk Jonathan Is good jonathan. I drank a few shots before going to the booth where Jane, Violette,Gab, Gabby and Mark is.
While we were drinking I watched the dance floor and amidst the crown I saw a dark red figure which suddenly vanished, "must be the alcohol... making me... see things." I was wasted after all. Then I went to the balcony to get some fresh air. While looking at some buildings I saw another figure this time with a light blue color. Before I could even utter a word I heard someone open the balcony. I looked behind me and it was just a wasted Jane.
"h-hey josh! Happy birthday!"
"yes thank you." Since I caught some air I was now only half drunk. "you here to catch some air too?"
"no you silly boy, I'm here for you."

"wait what?" Then she suddenly leaps at me and French kissed me, then she just passes out.



Is it too long?

just tell me to lengthen it or shorten my stories, any feed back can really help me improve on this. :) thank you.

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