Chapter 13: Truth

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"hey Azrael, where are the seals exactly?" Joash asked.
"I only know where the first three are, the 1st seal is in mount Olympus embedded in the crown of the king of mount Olympus, Zeus. The 2nd seal is in Japan owned by Vaiśravaṇa as a sword. The 3rd seal is not found where but when, it was at the time of the black death. Michael knows where the other three are, God knows where the 7th is. Joash, this mission, it may change you for better or worst are you sure you can press on?" Azrael grips his sword.
"yeah, don't worry." Joash gave Azrael a thumbs up. Azrael just nodded in reply.

In the training grounds Uriel and the others are training. Jonathan tries to hit her behind the back with the wooden axe but she dodges it. Jane then attacks her with a flurry of slashes with her wooden dagger. Then from above was Violette who tries to hit Uriel with her wooden mace but alas Uriel still manages to dodge it.

"no fair. You're looking into the future." Violette said.
"isn't it much better? Hitting me means that you're more ready to fight Lucifer's generals." Said Uriel.
"well at least they can't see what's going to happen." Said Jonathan.
"I'm glad Violettes wings became fluffy" Said Mark inside the gazebo.
"aw you worry about her?" asked Jane.
"nope, imagine being hit by in a narrow hallway if it's still metallic." Mark drinks his tea.

Then suddenly Xilium came down the training grounds carrying Horus, unconscious.

"Horus? What happened to him?" Uriel asked Xilium as she opened the infirmary.
"call Michael, he needs to hear what he has to say." Xilium looked at Uriel. Uriel nodded and flew off.
"Xilium, thank you." Said horus softly.
"what happened? Who did this?" asked Xilium as he dresses the wounds of Horus.
"Lucifer's forces, Death and the son of Zeus. They killed everyone, even grandfather. They took his eye and killed him! I tried to go to mount Olympus but I passed out on the foot of the mountain. I was suppose to ask for help from Zeus but instead you took me into heaven. You have my thanks."
"yeah, it's hard to think of Zeus helping other gods. Rest here for a bit, Michael will meet with you shortly." Horus nods and Xilium left the room.

After Xilium left Horus tried to sleep but sense someone else in the room. He tried to stand up but he couldn't. "who is there? Show yourself." Demanded Horus.

"no need to get hasty." Gabby appeared out of thin air.
"no need to get hasty? They took the 5th seal! That alone is a good reason to haste, time is of the essence! If they take all the seals we are doomed!" Horus yelled at Gabby.
"this seals, what are they for?" Gabby asked Horus.
"the 7 seals blocks the exit of hell, lady Blackwood." Michael entered the room.

"... Archangel Michael, I didn't expect you to be so quick. Should I leave?" Gabby raises both of her hands.
Michael sighs. "you are going to hear this from Azrael anyway, stay... all of you." Then the people hiding inside the room came out. Jonathan, Violette and Gabriel showed themselves behind the window of the room, Jane was floating above the ceiling, Mark crawled out of the ground and Joash was hiding under the bed.
"I see that you are all curious about the situation we are in now, Horus will explain the gravity of it."
Horus counts the people inside the room. "7? I thought the prophecy only say 6 chosen human."
"well what the prophecy didn't say is that there would be another one, a Nephilim." Replied Michael.
"Half-nephilim, I think. My mother was half-demon. " Joash answers quickly.
"... I see. Well moving on to the topic. Lucifers forces are collecting the 7 seals to steal their powers and open the gates of hell. They took my grandfathers left eye, the 5th seal. Its power
is to destroy the faiths of men and control them. much like the power of the horseman of
conquest, it will conquer over earth if let loose to someone such as Lucifer , the horseman of conquest is the only one who can stop such power. Go to the place where the 1st seal is but I do not know where it is."
"it's embedded on the crown of Zeus, Azrael told me..."
"we can start there... why a nephilim though?" Horus looked at Michael.
"why? Got a problem with that?" Jonathan looked at Horus.
"Nephilim's are unclean creatures, an offspring of both angel and demon which is not suppose to be. Nephilim's were once respected beings because God's angels insisted they can be good as ordered by their god, that they are not purely evil but he was proven wrong when the great war on earth happened, many died and resurrected and it was just a matter of time when the Nephilim's were eradicated but even after death they have proven that they are such nuisance.
Plagues bombarded earth killing the gods creation cause by the dust the Nephilims became after they die, leprosy and all other diseases and viruses was—"
"you can stop now Horus, time is of the essence. You can tell the story some other time." Azrael entered with a chilling aura.
"Azrael, forgive me for being such a chatterbox. He is correct go on to your mission. I don't know if Azrael or Michael will lead you." Horus lied down on the bed.

Joash and the others left the room with Azrael and Michael.

"Azrael, I see that these youth will be good in your hands, I have other business to attend to. Lead them as you see fit, come with me for a while I have something to tell you." Michael flew to the island near the training grounds. Azrael followed.
"what is it brother?" Azrael asked Michael.
"I agree with Horus, Nephilims are a bit unpredictable. We cannot trust Joash with the power of one of the seal, especially the 4th. Group them in two but you must be partnered up with Joash, I trust you to be the horseman of death, brother." Michael pats Azrael's shoulder.

"Et tu Michael?" Azrael said with a sad expression.
"forgive me brother, I know you trust him greatly and I don't know why but we cannot compromise this mission. Do what must be done. The 4th seal is somewhere deep in the island of Bermuda." Michael looked at Azrael"
"then so be it. But what of the horsemen of war, conquest, and famine? Who will they be?" Azrael asked Michael.
"this time my brother, you decide. But please, exclude Joash." Said Michael as he flew away.

Azrael flew back to the training grounds and grouped them in two. Violette with Michael, Gabby with Jonathan, and Gabriel with jane.

"Joash will be with me to look for the 4th seal. Mark will have to take the 1st seal so Violette don't ever touch the seal, understood?" Azrael looked at Violette.
"loud and clear." Said Violette.
"the 2nd seal will be taken by Jonathan and the 3rd seal by Jane. Uriel look into their future and tell me if there will be any unwanted obstacles." Uriel looked into them one by one and whispered to Azrael.
"the son of Zeus a demigod will strike down his father and take the 1st seal, I do not know his name but he's a telepath and have telekinetic powers. With the 2nd seal Beelzebub will be there with his army, fighting the forces of the gods in Japan. The 3rd seal will have no demons whatsoever but the acolytes of Lucifer will be there guarding the seal for their dark lord with black magic. Do you want me to look into yours?" Uriel asked Azrael.
"there is no need, I already know who we'll face." Azrael takes out his sword and gives it to Uriel. "take care of my sword."
"why?" Uriel asked.
"if I bring my sword she'll come for it and use it against all of us. Keep it here, safe in heaven, I'll borrow the sword of Horus instead." Uriel nodded and flew to the armory of Heaven. Azrael flew to Horus.
"may I borrow your twin swords?" Azrael asked Horus.
"of course, but first tell me one thing." Horus looked Azrael in the eye.
"okay. What is it?" Azrale crossed his arms.
"why trust the nephilim?"
"fine, I'll tell you since you are a good friend of mine. But tell them and I will destroy your existence."
"I promise." Horus lifts up his right arm.
"... he's my son. So trust him as you trust me." Azrael took the twin swords and left.

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