Chapter 18: Awakening

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Sometimes in life you'll come across a point where you have to ask yourself "when did my path of life turn a hard left?" I've recently asked that to myself daily right after I was captured by demons. Looking back at it now, I was very arrogant at that time. I mean, who would have known that chains of pure ice can stop the horseman of war completely?

Me and a group of gods were supposed to inspect something near the shores of Marble beach after hearing that a barrier was summoned all over Japan. It seems that, Vemence, the ruler of the fifth circle of Hell, have had an increasing rage echoing through the ages against War; in short, he wants to kill me on the spot. But it seems like Lucifer has other plans, since I heard that he ordered his men, especially Vemence, to never harm me and to just capture me. I never really like to talk or make a deal with the devil myself, but I guess it runs in the family.


As the carriage carrying him enters a wall as tall as 200 meters, he saw how the creatures of Hell are treating human slaves. Men will work until they pass out or die, may it be for physical labor  for the city of hell's twisted entertainment of unspeakable tortures. Women are treated as nothing but sex slaves, entertainment material, or even both, they will breed cambions and even those will grow up as slaves. Children are held in captivity within the elite families of Hell, like the house of Phoenix, Leviathan, and many other elite demons; Children who will not follow will be punished by torture or execution in public for all to see, traumatized children will be left for dead or will be added in brothels.

Jonathan just stared in hate and disgust and started to heat up, the chains didn't melt but the carriage started to burn hellfire. Satan came by, "what the in hells name is going on here?!" said he as he draw out his sword. "Satan! This vermin!" Vemance took out his mace and threw it at Jonathan only for it to melt. "Yeah, fuck you too!" Jonathan shouted at Vemance breathing fire.

As Satan and the other demons take care of Jonathan; Gabby and a handful of gods were debating of a plan to free him out of the city of demons. "I say we charge in! With our forces we can easily overwhelm those damn demons." said Bishamonten. "No, we cannot. The humans there might be killed, and if worst comes to worst they might even use them as decoys." Said Amaterasu. "Why not just use the weapons stored inside Kinkaku-ji? Arm them with gods that's good at stealth and we can quietly extract Jonathan outside the city of demons" Omoikane said as he drinks his sake. Bishamonten stood up and took his helmet; everyone looked at him. "As much as I hate using sacred weapons, I agree with him. We'll be leaving at sunset."

The gods then discussed who will be going. They already agreed that a party of 5 is sufficient to go on a 52.9 Km travel. Joining the group will be Bishamonten, Hachiman, Jurojin, Susanoo, and Gabby.

"Will we ride clouds like last time?" Gabby asked Bishamonten. "Yes. but only until we reach outside of Kyoto. After that we'll go horseback riding, Kanaka said that the demons in Kyoto have direct contact with Satan and his other allies; seems like they're also looking for the sacred weapons." Bishamonten laughed. "Kanaka? You mean the shadow lady?" Gabby looked behind her as if checking the surroundings if someone was watching. "Yes. The Kage onna." Bishamonten Nodded.
"Anyway, I'm glad at least you can all become as tall as a normal person... Imagine me joining you guys in your ascended form." Gabby and bishamonten laughed "we didn't wanna carry a dangerous girl like you so we compromised."

Jonathan was finally dragged down to the dungeon and is imprisoned with a non-human prisoner with rags for clothes, a scar on the neck, and has pointed ears. Jonathan tried befriending the fellow but it only stayed at the corner minding his own business. Jonathan sighed as he lay down, thinking of a plan to escape the dungeon. "I hate it when they use hostages." Jonathan thought.

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