Chapter 6: Dawn

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Gabby woke up with a striking headache and stood up to get a glass of water. "what a weird dream I had last night." She sighed. "what was the dream?" asked Xilium. Gabby shrieked then Joash came rushing inside the room, "what happened?!" exclaimed Joash.
"wah-ah, buh? Wah?" Gabby was speechless.
"what? You thought everything that happened yesterday was a dream?" said Joash with a
straight face.
"this is a hallucination. This isn't real." She then gets out of the room to get some fresh air. Joash followed her.
"this is pointless." Xilium huffed at azrael.
"Nothing is pointless my friend. She'll get used to this place just like the others." Azrael smilled.
"well we need to hurry, if Raphael's report about Lucifer collecting the seven seals comes in motion he will have the four horsemen and rule over earth. Especially when Ashter stole the son
of God away from us." Xilium slammed the desk.
"Lucifer wouldn't be mad enough to release her from Cocytus. Xilium, understand that they are still children and not soldiers, they won't be forever young so why not let them relax for a while,
help them, nurture them, train them for the events to come." Azrael said to Xilium nonchalantly
Xilium sighed and left.

When gabby got out of the cottage, she couldn't believe her eyes. Floating islands above and below. She sat over the edge of the island where she was and contemplated on what's happening. She looked up saw am endless sky and felt the cool breeze of the wind, she looked below and saw the other islands inhabited by other angels and the biggest island of the bunch are where children would play in the gardens and the grownups look over them. "it feels like paradise." She told to herself. Then Joash pinched he.
"ow!" Gabby shouted.
"you're not dreaming." Joash sat beside her.
"so, What now?"gabby asked.
"now it's time for you to get to the silver spire." Said Xilium as he carried Gabby and Joash and
flew to the island of the archangels, also known as the silver spire.
"w-wait! Stop! No--!" Gabby was panicking for she was afraid of heights. Her hysterical screaming made Joash giggle and Xilium annoyed.

When they landed the first one to greet them was Uriel, archangel of fate. She sees each and every possible fate an individual can have, she can see the many ways they die or survive. Though she may not tell the exact future of an individual, she could recommend them what to do though just little acts for if she tell them exactly what is to come, the balance will be disrupted and she will be punished by the high council. Her foresight is her blessing and her curse. Though she could not see the fate of nephilims, it does not bother her.
"greetings young ones." Uriel said smiling.
"Greetings archangel Uriel." Xilium bowed "This is the nephilim, Joash. And the one who carries the bloodline of Cain, Gabrielle Blackwood."
"welcome to heaven. Please get inside the spire and make yourselves comfortable. Wait for Azrael, he'll escort you atop the spire... your powers hold much strength, be brave
Lady Blackwood." Uriel patted Gabby and left.
"powers? What powers?" Gabby asked Joash.
"oh right. You're gonna get your powers through me." Said Joash.
"what? How?" Gabby asked confused
"well remember my burn mark on my back? Well that is in fact like an emblem that gives powers. Look when they touched it, parts of it vanished." Joash showed Gabby.
"so there's one left. Interesting." Gabby tried to touch it but was stopped by Azrael.
"not here Lady Blackwood, you might disturb the other archangels. Let's go to the top of the spire now." Azrael escorted them to an elevator like platform and pulled a lever to move up.
"so, how do we do this? Just touch his back or do we need to do something more? Like a
blood sacrifice or something? Will it be my blood or his? Is it dangerous?" Asked Gabby consecutively.
"Lady Blackwood, there is no need to get anxious about it. No one is going to die nor will someone need to perform a blood sacrifice. But yes, you can perform a blood sacrifice to have a more than an average power." Answered Azrael.
"did someone made a blood sacrifice?" Gabby looked at Joash.
"well, yeah. Gabriel and Mark. Gabriel became a beast master and Mark had two powers, to control earth and nature." Answered Joash.
"what's a beast master?" Gabby was confused.
"a beast master. Is a type of gift that makes an individual speak to certain beasts, Like Leviathan,
Cerberus, and The Griffins outside. Though beast masters could not speak to lesser beasts, like
Ghouls, Golems, and the like, he could still understand them. What's more advantageous for
beast masters is that they could absorb the spirit of other beasts and make the beasts special traits theirs." Gabby was speechless."Oh look we're up top." Azrael walks to the all-seeing pond.
"uhm, so angel of death. What do we do now?" asked Gabby.
"well do what you need to do here. While I oversee earth from here." Then Joash proceeded to
take off his Jacket and T-shirt.
"w-wait, w-what? We're gonna do that?!" Gabby backs off.
"what?" said Joash.
"well, yeah. I mean I got you two up here so you two wouldn't bother the other angels down below." Answered Azrael.
"w-wait. It's been so long! I'm not ready yet, it's so sudden!" Gabby was frantic.
"wait. No, this is a misu-" Joash was cut off
"oh? So this isn't your first time?" asked Azrael.
Gabby's face turned flush red. She grits her teeth and answered Azrael "of course not! What the hell are you making me say!"
"oh my god, clearly thi-" again Joash was cut off.
"then show it to me." Azrael looked Gabby in the eyes.
"s-show you what?" Gabby looked away.
"fuck it, I give up." Joash looked at the all-seeing pond.
"your power of course." Said Azrael nonchalantly.
"eh? Powers? What?" Gabby was taken aback .
"you said this wasn't your first time being given powers. When was the first and what did you receive?" asked Azrael.
"excuse me!?" Gabby said in a sharp tone.
"you two completely misunderstood each other. Talking about different topics but answering perfectly." Said Joash while he puts his hands on his face.
"what other topic could she possibly be talking about?" asked Azrael.
"well you were talking about having powers, But when she saw me getting ready she thought about s-" then Gabby punched Joash.
"Shut up! Shut up! Shut up!" she was chasing down Joash.
"ah to be young again." Said Azrael while watching them.

Joash was already bloody from Gabby's punching, she punched him at the back making her touch the mark of Joash's back. Then suddenly the top of the spire shone brighter than sun. Blinding Joash and Azrael for a short time.  

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