Chapter 4: Liability

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*3rd person PoV, 'cause why not*

"what happened?" asked Joash. "well for starters you were missing the whole day yesterday, and we had a surprise quiz from professor Stanfield. " replied Gabby.
"shit, really? Damn. What else did I miss?"
"well yesterday there was a meteor shower out of the blue, NASA didn't see it coming so it was a very strange phenomenon." Then she showed Joash a picture of it.
"wow... this is... strange." Joash was intrigued.
"hm? How come?" asked Gabby.
"well of all meteor showers I've seen, this is the first time I saw a meteor shower of different
colors. Some are colored red, green, yellow and blue. Were there any reports in the news as to
why?" Joash was biting his finger.
"well not yet. And stop biting your finger, seriously that bad habit of yours." Gabby scolded him.
"hey, Ms. White hair. Can you cook me some pancakes? This lost child has been lost since
yesterday and is hungry" said Joash while imitating a child's voice.
"uh sure." While Gabby was cooking she asked Joash a question "hey where were you yesterday? We've been calling you but you weren't answering."
"... I was somewhere, I don't know, I kind of passed out or something" Joash said while resting his eyes.
"really? Well that explains that." said Gabby while she was dressing his pancake.
"what explains what?" said Joash confused.
"well the neighbors said on august 26 you were carried here by a hooded man, they said that it was 3 A.M. and thought he was your drinking buddy so they didn't really bat an eye. But since you weren't showing up yesterday, we checked your room and saw you were unconscious, hence the flowers and get well letters." Gabby checks the time. "well it was nice seeing you up and awake."
while Gabby was walking out the door Joash asked her. "uh hey, are they treating you well? 'cause you know our break up and stuff." She just smiled and made a thumbs up and left the room.

The next day Joash entered the university. He met up with Jonathan and Jane telling them to call their group of friends and that he has something to tell them. Jonathan just nods and left and waved bye. Jane looked at Joash as if she was hesitating to tell him something. Joash looked at her and asked.
"got something to say Jane?" she shook her head and said that "everything was okay".
"look if it was about that time at the night club on my birthday, there's no issue there. You were drunk and the alcohol made you very confident. I know you've liked me but I can't accept."
"but why? Is there something wrong with me? Something lacking?" she said while tears were running down her face.
"there is nothing wrong with you. In fact you'll be a good girlfriend. You're kind, caring and adventurous. You'll make any man with you happy." Joash told her with his arms crossed.

"But why not you!? If I'm all of those things then why am I not good enough for you? Answer me." Jane pleaded.
"as I've said before, me and Gabby's break up are just so we could concentrate on our study. I don't know if we'll be together again after graduation or something else. But I won't accept any confession until after graduation if ever. I hope you understand and move on." Answered Joash.
"why can't YOU move on?" Jane looked at him in the eye. Joash paused for a while.
"Because I have something to wait for. Because Gabby and I made a promise unlike you, you're free to do whatever you want. But I hope you don't wait for me, for your own sake." Jane wiped her tears and walked out. Jonathan sighed and entered the campus.

After dismissal, Joash went off to go to his apartment where his friends are. While going there he felt something as if he was being watched. He hurried walking but as he do so he felt a presence more and more. He then stopped walking. "Xilium? Is that you? If it is, stop it." He said cautiously. But there were no answer. Joash arrived to his destination at an abandoned carnival. His friends were hanging out at the merry go round but he noticed Jane was not present.
"where's Jane?" Joash asked.
"inside her room, crying... you should've gone easy on her." Jonathan answered.
"oh, I'm sorry... can you fill her up on what I'm gonna say? It's very important." Said joash.
"sure." Jonathan rests on a wall.
"so what is this important announcement that you need to tell us?" asked mark.
"you may want to sit down guys." Joash said nonchalantly.

Joash told them what happened prior to his missing. He said that he was a nephilim and that heaven needed their help. Mark stood up.

"Josh... were you high on Friday?"
"I'm telling you the truth, guys. "
"look. Angels? Demons? There hasn't been any proof of it since, ever. You're just tired Josh."
said Gabby with her hands crossed.
"you want proof? Here, see." Joash showed them the burn scar on his back.
"what the hell, I know you have a strict rule against tattooing but going as far as to get yourself burnt for body art is a bit too much, Josh. What if dad saw this? What's he gonna tell?" Violette scolded Joash.
"uncle is the least of my problems if demons are gonna rule earth!"
"woah Josh chill down. No need to get angry... can I touch it?" asked Jonathan.
"... fine." Joash sighed.
Jonathan touches Joash's burn scar. "hey guys it's real... it's hot? What the hell?"

Then suddenly Jonathan's arm was set ablaze. Jonathan screamed and dropped and rolled. Joash looked for the nearest fire extinguisher and fire extinguished Jonathan. A fog created by the fire extinguisher engulfing the group. Joash pulled Jonathan out of the fog to see if he's fine. After Joash pulled him out, Jonathan's whole body is on fire.

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