Chapter 15: War

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In Osaka, demons are lurking around every corner, then suddenly a huge demon – 6 meters tall – blocked their way to Osaka. Jonathan tried burning the demon but it only laughed.
"fool fire means nothing to us demons!" then the demon swung its arms to hit Jonathan. Jonathan dodged the attack but his left foot was caught by the demon.
"oh man, Gabby? Where are you? I really need your help now!" Jonathan struggles.
"ha! She's smart for leaving." Said the demon as he opens his mouth to eat Jonathan.
"foolishness." Said Gabby as she appeared on top of the hand of the demon then she fired two beams of light brighter than the sun into the eyes of the demon.
"ah! You bitch!" the demon threw both of them but Jonathan flew and caught Gabby.
"nice thinking." Then a pack of flying demons saw them and attacked them forcing them to land near the blinded demon.
"Do not flee, weaklings!" one of the flying demons said.
"I may be blind but I can still kill you fuckers!" Then suddenly lightning struck the demon making its head explode. The other demons who are watching fled the scene for they know who that was.
"demons, I hate those guys." Susanoo the storm god stood 4 meters tall, he is indeed a god.
"what are you empowered mortals doing here?" said Susanoo in a defensive stance.
"do not worry, we do not mean harm we just want to talk to Bishamonten." Gabby told Susanoo.
"Why should I trust disrespectful people?" Susanoo crossed his arm.
"sorry, what she meant to say was Lord Bishamonten, she's a foriegner." Said Jonathan. Susanoo looked at Gabby.
"that is undeniable. Then so be it, Bishamonten is at Takamu-ga-hara. You cannot go there by foot so follow me instead." Susanoo rode a cloud to fly through the sky.
"oh god not again." Gabby climbed at the back of Jonathan then Jonathan flew without warning thus Gabby let out a trail of shrieks.

Jonathan flew near Susanoo. Jonathan and Gabby saw a bright light on one of the cloud where Susanoo entered, as they entered they saw a land of clouds and trees branching on the clouds, the lakes were also just floating above the clouds.
"is this Takuma-ga-hara?" Gabby asked Susanoo.
"not quite, this is Ame the home of the Amatsukami or gods of heaven, their role here is to appease and perfect this world. Above this world is Takuma-ga-hara, where Bishamonten is drinking with the other gods and his servants."

And so as the ascend from Ame they finally reached the dwelling place of the kami. As soon as they reached the place they already hear the sound of tunes and celebration, "does the gods here even know what's happening down below?" Gabby thought to herself. As they enter the great shrine of gods, Gabby sees the gods wearing a familiar clothing pattern design, it was Kotoris! Then one of the god saw Gabby and Jonathan wearing the same pattern as the gods.
"why is a mortal such as you wearing clothes such as ours?"
"K-Kotori gave it to me... uhm.."
"Tsukuyomi-no-mikoto! That's my name!" the god shouted.
"hey brother, give them a break they freed the soul of Kotori and they traveled from a foreign land to see Bishamonten" said Susanoo as he wrapped his arm around Tsukuyomi.
"freed Kotori huh? You may just call me Tsukuyomi, I've heard that Bishamonten is over there." Tsukuyomi pointed at the big crowd at the corner.
"and as for you brother!" Susanoo looked at Tsukuyomi in the eyes. "Drink with me!" Tsukuyomi gives Susanoo a cup of sake.
"it seems I cannot escape this trap, you're on your own." Susanoo said as he gulps down the cup.
"well so much for that. So wanna find Kotori first or talk to Bish—" Jonathan noticed that Gabby was already gone. "I'll go talk to him then."

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