Chapter 11: Disturbance

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Azrael woke up inside the boat of Charon.

"oh you're awake, we're almost there." Said Jane while sharpening her dagger.
"how long was I out?" Asked Azrael.
"not so long, you were mumbling. Nightmares?" Jane looked at him.
"memories, from eons ago." Said Azrael as he stood up to fix his clothes.
"I'm not even gonna ask. Jonathan and the others are at the deck, sightseeing I think."

Azrael came out of the of the cabin and saw Gabriel and Jonathan at the bow railing posing a weird pose.

"what are they doing?" Azrael asked Joash.
"recreating this one movie, I forgot the title but it was suppose to be a true story, I think."

Azrael came up to Charon and asked if Xilium was with Hades. Charon nodded. Azrael summoned a bird and told it to tell Xilium to tell Hades what's going to happen.

"whoa, what was that?" said violette.
"a universal messenger, it ranges from birds to butterflies, to wisps and dragons."
"you gotta teach us that next time."
"maybe, after this task."
"oh right, just so you'd know, we already took the water from the styx."
"that's great, so have you formed your groups? Which one will take care of the scale of the dragon, Styx and the fur of the guard dog, Cerberus?"
"well Gabriel said he had a plan for Cerberus so Me, him, and Jane are gonna take care of Cerberus. While the one that will take care of the dragon will be Jonathan, Joash, Mark, and Gabby will take care of the dragon."
"good to hear, get ready we are near the gate to the underworld."

Charon stopped near the gate and dropped off Gabriel, Violette, and Jane near Cerberus. Each head of Cerberus looked at them directly acting hostile.

"Gabriel, whatever your plan is it better be worth it." Violette said.
"it's easy, you just have to hum a lullaby." Gabriel said.
"what's a lullaby gonna do?" Jane asked.
"well if legends stay true, a musician named Orpheus played a sad tune with his lyre, it's said that the song was so sad all of the inhabitants in the underworld heard it and cried even Cerberus." Gabriel answered.
"then what tune is it?" asked Violette.
"that I don't know, but if it reacts to that kind of song it might react to something you know."
"fine, I'll figure out something."

As Violette and the other two figure out what kind of song to use. Joash and the others are already feeling the presence of the dragon as they get near its cave.

"oh man..."
"feeling anxious, Joash?"Azrael asked.
"of course I mean, now that I think about it we might actually die. If one of my friends die I will never forgive myself."
"well... that's where you come in."
"what do you mean?"
"as a leader, you must protect your allies. You must be the one who loses hope last or never at all, you provide the morale of your allies, you are a protector and a fighter for your group. You must never lose the will to fight."
"... okay. Oh and the blessing of God, we were not blessed. Did something wrong happened?"
"no. you are blessed, all of you."
"blessed of what exactly?"
"power, luck, victory or destiny. Now get ready, we are entering the cave. Get ready and find that power inside you, the one God gave." Azrael then flew inside first.

As they enter inside the cave, they could already smell the rotting meat from the dragons leftover food. They hear a grown which shock the cave. Joash and the others prepare their weapons. The dragon opened its three pair of eyes that glowed green. All of them got intimidated their feet were rooted to the ground, even though they want to move, they can't.

"who dare enters my cave!?" the dragon roared which made them even more intimidated.

Joash had to think fast. He grit his teeth and shot the dragons face and ran towards it, the others were surprised that their jaws dropped and shaken off their feet. They followed Joash and started shooting the dragon too. Mark bounded roots on a nearby boulder and let the roots pull other smaller stones to make a golem, and made it attack Styx. Jonathan shoots fireballs at the dragon as he gets closer to dig his axe into the dragons feet. Gabby then emitted a strong concentration of light to push the dragon off its feet. Everyone looked at her. "yes I can control light, we'll talk about it later after we kill it." Then she proceeds to shoot the dragon with her arrows. Then the dragon said "enough!" and breathe fire at them which knocked back Gabby, Mark, and Jonathan. The dragon saw Joash still standing, the dragon swayed its huge tail towards Joash, it was impossible to dodge due to its gigantic size and in a flash the tail seemingly crushed Joash. Jonathan, still conscious at the time and saw the event. Jonathan was filled with rage towards Styx that his axe caught fire and threw the axe to its tail which cuts it through breaking the axe in the process, the dragon screeched in pain and punched Jonathan and pinned him to the wall.

"you think you can kill me! You are but a worm!" said the dragon as he crush Jonathan.
"and you're just a stupid lizard!" Jonathan shouted at the top of his lungs and scorched the hand of the dragon.

Jonathan once again became a being made of pure energy, his heat wave echoes through the underworld.

" the young ones are a rowdy bunch, yes?" said Hades.
"sorry if it bothers you." Said Xilium.
"no, it's fine like this. It's boring here in the underworld, the atmosphere seems... dead." Hades looked at Xilium.
"you never change, you and your puns I mean."
"well, unlike the denizens here in the underworld the kids outside are quite lively." Hades snickered.
"okay okay, want to check on them?" Xilium asked.
"sure." Hades answered.

As the battle rages on, Jonathan suddenly summoned a fiery sword. Jonathan was surprised but there was no time in investigating the reason why it happened. Jonathan plunged his sword through the dragons chest but it didn't quite reach the heart. The dragon held Jonathan and swallowed him whole. Silence filled the room when suddenly the dragons mouth got filled with smoke, not from him but from Jonathan burning the dragons guts. Jonathan burned the dragon from the inside, Jonathan wasted no time after he got out of the dragons mouth he tried pushing the dragons tail to see if Joash is fine, but he cannot make it budge. Jonathan knelt and his face was struck with deep sadness. Then he felt a soft pat on his shoulder.

"yo, what's up?" Said Joash.
"Josh!" Jonathan hugged Joash.
"okay, stop. It's not like I'm dead or something." Joash pats Jonathan's back.
"well yeah. I saw you get crushed by its tail!"
"well, I searched what God blessed me with and it turns out I can teleport." Joash vanished and reappeared behind Jonathan.
"Dude! That's cool! You can say the same thing to me, I can summon swords!" Jonathan summoned a dagger.
"that's a dagger."
"what?" Jonathan tried to summon a sword but instead summons an axe.
"let's just say, you can summon weapons." Joash laughed.
"hehe, yeah." Jonathan laughed with him.

While Jonathan and Joash collect the scales off of the dragon Hades and Xilium checked the group that will shear Cerberus. Then Hades heard a song.

"oh, this reminds me of Orpheus."
"really?" Xilium asked.
"yes, but instead of making Cerberus weep look at its eyes, he's getting sleepy."
"you're right."
"these children, they'll fight Lucifer and his generals and you'll train them in a hundred years time... sorry two years in heaven time. Do you really think they'll be ready in the end?"
"they must be ready, for they carry the future of the universe on their shoulders."
"I'm sorry I couldn't help very much, I don't have an army and it's hard to leave this place because of wandering souls."
"don't worry my friend, your support is more than enough."
Hades looked back at Violettes group. "it seems like they're shearing Cerberus now."
"I don't know. Cerberus is quite big, his legs are as big as them it'd be hard if they shear him completely."
"well either way he'll feel cold after."

After Violette and the others sheared Cerberus, they called for Charon and went to where Joash and the others are. Hades then covered the sheared part of Cerberus with cloth.

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