Chapter 2: Wasted

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*PoV of Joash*

*a month later*

*at the bar*

"hey guys, do you have this feeling that you're being watched this past few weeks?" Jonathan said while drinking.
"you're joking right? Though yeah, I had a feeling too especially last week I saw a dark red figure." Gabby said. A dark red figure. Like the one I saw?
"you saw that too Gabby? Thank god I thought I lost my mind." Jonathan laughed.
"not only her I did too during the birthday part of Josh." Jane said while blushing.
"man you're so drunk right now, your face is red." Said Jonathan.
"well, after our skydiving a few weeks back I saw a figure too though not a dark red figure but a light and blue one." This time Violette saw the light blue figure, I wonder."
"how about you two?" I asked Mark and Gabriel.
"well I saw a light blue figure while I was doing my graffiti art. Shit was intense especially when it was just hovering outside the window." Said Gabriel while eating a slice of pizza.
"and you?" I asked mark.
"well while I was walking my dog at the park I saw a light blue figure near a tree" that confirms it everyone close to me saw them, but why is it just three that saw the red figure and three that saw the blue figure, while I saw both?
"hey how about you?" Jonathan ask.
"well from this booth I saw both on the dance floor."
"that close?" exclaimed Jonathan.
"what does that mean? I wonder." Said Gabby.

"we'll talk about it tomorrow, it's getting late and we have classes tomorrow." I said to avoid any more questions. I walked home with Gabby and Violette since our apartments were in the same complex. While we were walking thunders started to crackle. "let's hurry the rain might catch up with us." Said Violette. Just a few blocks more and it started to rain hard, "shit! Let's go. Run!" I said. The three of us ran as fast as we can then when I suddenly turned left I hit a man, "shit sorry dude." I quickly helped the man stand up and ran off to the apartment complex. We bid our goodbyes and went to our rooms. Man, I was so wasted I just fell on the floor and slept like a log.

*3:00 A.M.*

I woke up with the sudden roar of thunder, I was having cold sweats too. I have feeling sweaty if not needed so I quickly took a shower. After feeling refreshed I looked up at the time. It's 3:18 A.M.
"I still have time to sleep, thankfully."
"I think not." A mysterious voice echoed around the room.
"what the fuck? Who are you?" I opened the lights to get a better look, then I saw a winged creature, humanoid but definitely not human. I was taken astonished.
"first things first, put down that weapon. It's not even sharp enough." Said the creature while it was pointing at my knife. "who-who are you? A-and What are you?"
"my name is Xilium, A cherubim." I couldn't believe what I just heard. An angel? This can't be happening. What does it want with me? I ran out of my apartment to escape that angel or something. I didn't bother to wake up Gabby or Violette, it might add fuel to the fire.

While I was running I noticed something odd, the rain stop but it didn't stop completely. The rain drops stop mid air. He stopped time. "how the? What the? How did he do this?"
"it wasn't I who did this it was---" before he could finished what he was saying a bright light shined upon us and a loud noise suddenly came with it, then suddenly we were teleported somewhere unknown to me. When I opened my eyes I saw a city of white and gold. Not only that but the city was also floating.

"what? Where am I?"
"in heaven my boy." I heard a deep voice. I looked behind me and I saw an angel but he's different a dark winged angel with green eyes.
"who are you?" I asked.

"I am the angel of death, Azrael."  

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