Chapter 8: Engage

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On their way to the highest island in heaven, Violette noticed four winged beings.
"What are those?" she asked.
"Those my dear are Cherubims." Azrael answered.
"Cher-what?" Gabriel asked.
"Cherubims, the ones who guards the Throne and the gates to the tree of life."

They landed at the highest island, and gets inside the spire.

"when you enter the throne room, don't look at God directly for too long lest your eyes and brain will melt." Said Raphael.
"ah, yes. Meet Raphael, Archangel of medicine." Said Azrael.
"but why would our eyes melt?" asked Jonathan
"well you may not comprehend Gods image. You have been warned. Let's go."

Azrael walked inside while Raphael flew off, Joash and the others followed Azrael. Upon entering the foyer they saw many angels, some are Seraphim, Dominions, Powers and many more.

"what is your business here, Angel of Death?" said Tavalar, one of the higher Cherub.
"the chosen ones are here to meet the lord upon his orders." Answered Azrael.
"... and the nephilim? What's it doing here?" Tavalar glared at Joash.
"lords order Tavalar. No need to be rude." Said Azrael.
"... then proceed." Tavalar opens the Throne room and they entered.


Somewhere away from heaven, in the depths of Hell a demigod resides, Bidrich, son of Zeus. He rebelled against his father for he wanted to prove to Zeus that He can be more than all the residents in mount Olympus and that he is worthy to be the next heir, for just like his brother, Poseidon, God of the sea, Zeus, the king of mount Olympus, is dying for he lacks the amount of prayer a god needs.

"Abaddon, how long until we get to her?" Bidrich asks Abaddon while poking him.
"as long as it takes." Said Abaddon with a stern voice.
"no need to get mad, old man. I'm just excited to meet this so called, traitorous death. Well not
unless she tries to kill us first." Said Bidrich while he goes in front of Abaddon.
"her killing us would be the least of our worries for if we fail this simple task Lucifer himself will
have our heads." Said Abaddon while he hasten his stead.

Bidrich and Abaddon traveled all the way through the circles of hell to go to the lake Cocytus, at the very bottom of the frozen lake is Death herself, Ashter.

"death looks so harmless here." Said Bidrich.
"look around you and tell me what do you see?" Abaddon asked.
"shadow... people...?" bidrich hesitates.
"exactly, this is her shadows. Heaven sealed her, but her shadows which gives her information, Heaven cannot touch. When she was the horseman she was the most mischievous of them all, more mischievous than the horseman of famine, Rhueng, herself. Abaddon pointed out
"And her mischievousness lead he to betray and kill the son of God?" Bidrich asked.
"Precisely. I wonder how's the old man doing by now. Give me your sword." Abaddon ordered
"why worry about him?" Bidrich asked as he gives his sword to Abaddon.
"well, I too once was an angel of God." Abaddon then pierced Cocytus to melt the ice around Ashter.

Bidrich takes out her Desperado's to get ready in case of an attack. As the ice melted it revealed her head. She opened her eyes and draws her first breathe after thousands of years being sealed inside. She wasted no time waiting and thawed of the ice surrounding her and took out the trident that was used to trap her inside Cocytus. She jumped out of the lake acting hostile towards Abaddon and Bidrich.

"Ashter, we've come to free you." Abaddon puts down the sword of Bidrich and gets close to Ashter.
"Ashter? Is that my name? Why should I trust you!? I don't know who you are or where I am!"
Ashter points the trident at abaddon.
"I'm Abaddon, one of the Generals of Lucifer. We are here to free you from your sentence of being a traitor to heaven." Said Abaddon as he takes away the trident.
"Traitor? To heaven? I would never betray heaven. I was one of the elite! Until—I can't remember, why can't I remember!" Ashter was enraged.
"we can help you regain your lost memories, you just have to come with us." Abaddon stretched
out his hand to Ashter.
"do you seriously think I'd believe you!?" Ashter then leaped to Abaddon and tries to stab him.
Bidrich then kicked Ashter to the face making her lose consciousness.
"Damn, her memory is fragmented, she's not useful to us like this." Said Bidrich.
"why do you think Lucifer partnered you with me?" Bidrich shrugged. "it's because you have
telepathy, you can get inside her mind and remake her shattered memory, you forgetful child."

Bidrich and Abaddon carried Ashter out of Cocytus and into the shattered earth. Demons pillaged the countries of Earth, They captured humans and turned them into slaves used by the nobles of hell, the remaining humans went into hiding underground or into caves. Some gods took in their believers while other gods strengthen the seals of the gates leading in and out of their worlds to prevent the demons from attacking them.

"why must Lucifer assign us to the Sahara desert? Why not at the Antarctica or the volcanoes of Hawaii?" Bidrich told Abaddon as they ride a Wyvern.
" Because there is a seal buried deep within the Sahara desert and it's just your luck that we were assigned there." Answered Abaddon.

"speaking of the seals. how many seals have we already taken?" Bidrich asked.
"If we find the seal in the Sahara we'll already have three. If we collected all seven of the seals
it will activated a portal to other worlds, be it in Olympus, Valhalla, Helheim or Heaven." Explained Abaddon.
"then what?" Bidrich sat closer to Abaddon.

"then we kill the ruler of the said world, like your father, Zeus, or Odin, the all-father or the ruler of the underworld, Hades. Then Lucifer will assign his generals to rule each world. But some countries are instead visited by their gods and seal the whole country to the outside world, like the Egyptian gods, Ra is sealing off all of Egypt up in the sky. After dominating their worlds or countries, Lucifer will rule heaven and re-create the universe in his image."

"that is a grand plan, but where do you suppose we start? Slavic gods?" suggested Bidrich.
"no, Shinto gods. Our warriors are enough to destroy their minor gods but you, I, Ashter and maybe Beelzebub will have to handle the major gods like Susanoo, Amaterasu and Bishamonten. We're nearing the Sahara go get her." Ordered Abaddon.
"fine but leave Zeus to me, I'll kill him myself." Said Bidrich as he carry Ashter.


Somewhere on Earth and a hooded angel visits an old friend.

One of the secret caves deep within the forests of Greece were visited by Xilium.

"Charon my friend, may I see Hades?" Xilium took off his hood and looked at Charon.
"one dead-man coin to cross the river Styx" Said Charon with a voice of a thousand soul.

Xilium gave the coin to Charon and Rode into his boat, vanishing into the mist.

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