Chapter 19: Towards ascension

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A year and a half passed and earth's surface is finally ruled by hell.

In a land engulfed by Hell, Humans fought back to the demons but it was for naught. Demons destroyed sacred temples and churches, defacing statues of holy saints, angels, prophets and gods; sacred texts were burned within a week, all versions of it were almost lost. Humans were treated as things for entertainment, sex, and slavery until they are dead. The remaining free humans remained and survive inside caves, underground subways, or sewers.

Some brave souls go out of their hiding place to scavenge food and other supplies, unfortunately only some will be lucky enough to go back to their hiding place, those who are captured by demons will be forced to betray their group or experience a worst form of death.

"... Shit, shit, shit, shit. Don't look back!" Peter shouted at his companions.

"We can't outrun them, they're too fast!" John exclaimed as they shoot blind shots from behind.

I have no choice then. Peter then threw his bag at John and stopped, "Just keep running and don't look back!"

John hesitated but he knew if he stopped now he and Peter would die, and if that happened the people back in the cave will not survive.

Now that they stopped, I have to at least bring some of them with me. Peter took out his dagger and pistol and started shooting. Then a huge demon took Peter by the foot and carried him. But then something is thrown at the wrist of the demon, it was a sticky bomb!

A huge explosion cut off its arm and injuring Peter's foot in the process. Shell shocked and barely conscious Peter can only hear what was happening. The last thing Peter saw before losing consciousness was a demon getting struck by a bright rod.

Peter then woke up on a hospital bed. "Where am I?"

As Peter was looking around he heard a hissing sound; He looked around and as soon as he turned right he saw a snake with green scales and red eyes. Peter quickly jumped off the bed but remembers that his foot was injured; he instinctively let out a cry, "Ow!" but no pain was received. He looked down and saw his foot uninjured.

A man entered his room, "Ah I see you're already awake."

"W-who are you... there's a snake!" Peter exclaimed.

"My name is a handful so you can just call me Pius. And that snake has a name, she's Sofia."

"My name is Peter but you can call me Pete, Is it a girl?"

"SHE'S a girl." Pius glared at Peter.

"Okay sorry, sorry... uhm, where am I? How long have I been out?" Peter lowered his head.

"It's okay; we're at the city hospital. My friend brought you here; he said you had bruises and a cut on your arm. I patched you up as soon as he laid you there. You've been unconscious for a day." Pius smiled.

"The hospital, we're 2 hours away from the forest! I need to go back. Thank you for everything you've done for me, but I need to go back." Peter hurriedly took his equipment and opened the door. Outside was a man as tall as 6.9 feet tall (2.103m). Peter walked back.

"What's the matter? Are you in a hurry?" The man entered the room.

Peter was taken aback, but pulled his courage and answered. "I have to go back; I have friends waiting for me and people that are probably worried about my safety."

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