Chapter 21: Unexpected winter

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Amidst the chaos that is happening on Earth. Mark is in Olympus training Peter while the 2 kings were discussing some things.

"Odin, how have you been?"

"Still as strong and fresh, like the branches of Yggdrasil. How about you old friend?"

"Haha, still as strong as my lightning and as loud as my thunder!"

The two of them were merry at the moment. While Asclepius and Artemis were discussing on how to retrieve other missing gods, Hermes was just watching them from a top vantage point.

"I heard the god of thunder is held under pure water while Mjolnir is tied to his knee with a chain too short to reach his hand or the chains that's holding him."

"What kind of chains, Asclepius?"


"Hmm, do you think Loki is the culprit?"

"Highly likely. I also heard from Huginn and Muninn that your brother, Aries, is submerged under the molten rocks of Tartarus, along with your uncle, Hades."

"Damn, they've already invaded other worlds. Where should we start retrieving them?"

"I propose that we should start with Tartarus, the ravens said that there were only 2 generals there, though they command a horde of demons I doubt that demons would give you difficulty, goddess of the moon."

"I'm the goddess of the hunt before I am the goddess of the moon."

"Forgive my blunder. Shall I call for Mark and his apprentice?"

"Of course. You are to stay here along with my brother and act as mediator if ever my father and the one eyed king starts an argument."

"So it shall be."

Asclepius called for Mark and Peter. Mark immediately went to Artemis while Peter ran through a number of stairs.

"What do you need, my fair lady?"

"Chivalry will get you nowhere, Horseman of Conquest." Artemis tried to hold back her laughter.

"It was worth trying."

"Enough joking around. Let's go."

They rode the chariot of Conquest into the underworld. As soon as they entered the river Styx, activities of demon can be sensed. Conquest proudly rode forth in the presence of demons. Those who attack his chariot and his horses are immediately turned into gold or have their mind be taken away and their body as familiars of Conquest.

Are you sure this is necessary?

Sar'zox? It's been long, how's Randul?

This is not the time now. Should you really be showing yourself like this?

Of course, as a proud horseman, it is my duty to spread our pride.

The chariot of Midas can only protect you so much. Are you really Mark or are you Mark playing the thinking of a rock with a spirit?

I don't know what you're talking about, Sar'zox, thank you for being worried, but now is not the time.

Just be careful, Mark, I feel Death's presence. though diluted, he can still be a difficult foe.

I will remember that.

And so they rode forth, reaching the throne of the king and queen of the underworld. Only the queen sits on her throne.

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