Chapter 3: Inconvenience.

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"death?! Am I- am I dead?" said I while I'm creeping back.
"of course not, God sent you here. Care for a walk?" he helped me stand up.
"... sure..." I was still a bit unsure.

We walked through rivers and ponds, there were kids playing in a garden. Some angels wore golden armors and some did not. They don't need any mechanical or animal transportations because they already have wings to use to fly. On the highest islands I see Seraphs and Cherubs, there are some other islands below them, I do not know the names of their kind but I see archangels.
"so, Azrael... who was that angel that talked to me before?" I asked him haphazardly.
"oh, you mean Xilium? He's a cherub a messenger. He was sent to you to tell you that heaven needs you but his verbal skills are... not on edge yet." He said while looking at the angels on other islands.
"then I need Axilium, because what bugs me most is that heaven calls for me or something. I mean what do you need from me? And if I'm really needed why does the other angels look at me so badly like I'm such an evil thing, is it because I'm human? I've been observing some of them and their looks are pissing me off, kind off..." I said while skipping pebbles at a near pond.
"that my young lad is because you are a nephelim ." I stopped for a moment.
"a nephelim? You must surely be mistaken, because I know a nephelim is an offspring of a human and an angel... can you explain my personality? Nephilims are naturally born evil. Why am I so different?"
"they made it look that way but not all nephilims are evil, the main reason they did so is because a copulation of angel and human, demon and human, and angel and demon are evil in their eyes and so is perceived that their offspring's are and will always be evil. And you parents are not as human as you thought, your mother was a half-demon and your father was an angel."
"What?! I-I didn't know, the nuns in the orphanage told me they just saw me at the doorstep and saw nobody else... where are they? My mom and dad."
"your mother, Lixen, was persecuted by demons her earthly form was destroyed and She now resides in the deepest part of hell, suffering for the things she's done being tortured day and night after you were born... and as to your father, Nigel, we were close friends but after your mother was captured by the demons he exiled himself, blaming himself for your mothers unwanted fate... I'm sorry."
"... no need... what do you need from me?" I answered with a stern tone.
"...we don't need you yet but we need to warn you of a great coming, a darkness lurks in everyone, the end time and you are not the only one we need. Tell your friends, Jonathan, Violette and the others."
"them? Why? How are they related to this?"
"let's just say your friendship weren't by mere chance, you were adopted specifically by the uncle of Violette and you being in the same kindergarten with the twins Jonathan and Jane was planned... the reason is because they are, special just like you."
"special like what? They're nephilims too?"
"no but they have the bloodline of Cain and Seth. Three from Seth and three from Cain."
"which is which then?"
"from the side of Cain, Gabrielle, Jane and Jonathan. From the side of Seth, Violette, Gabriel and Mark."
"God works in mysterious ways then."
"well... not exactly."
"what do you mean?"
"well since God created man and a lot of living things including angels, his powers has been worn out and it will take several millennia's for him to recover, all Gods of creation goes through this."
"wait, 'Gods' ? what do you mean." I asked confused.
"yes, Gods the Egyptian gods, Greek, Roman. We knew one another but the almighty is the one who created the most living things. How do you expect that there are many 'species' for humans from Africa to Asia, to western culture and eastern culture, pity some gods are dead because they received less or no prayers at all." This information blew my mind, I couldn't believe what I heard. Other gods existed before!
"then what is Gods current state? Is he weak? Sleeping? What?"
"he is far from weak but he is not as strong as he was you could meet him some other time, but not now, for now you need to relay the message to your friends. When the time comes heaven will transport you all back here, for now go back to earth. Go near that banner, it will teleport you back to your world."

I stood near the banner and then a flash of light shone upon me and then I woke up in the hospital. I looked at the desk near me and I saw a 'get well soon.' Card and some flowers. "urgh, how long was I out?" I asked myself. I looked at the digital clock it said that it was August 28, I've been out for two days. "ah shit, and I had tests yesterday. Fuck." Then the door opened, it was Gabby.
"oh, h-hey, you're awake." She was standing shyly hiding a flower.
"well? Come in." I said while I was smiling.

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