Chapter 21.5: Adventures of a scribe Pt.2

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Oh, dear. It's been so long since I've written something, I said it'd take me just 2 to 3 days to go to the high council but the people in Valhalla were so pushy I couldn't deny their offer... for months... but enough with that! I finally came back to my senses and am heading to the rift portal to the dragon realm.

While I'm going there, let's talk about Archangels, Angels, and Demons. Hhmm? Aren't angels and archangels in the same category? Yes and no at the same time. Archangels are not so different from angels but different in hierarchy and origin, in short, archangels are the ones leading the charge while the angels are the ones that follow, there are jobs specifically for Archangels and Angels, but there are some jobs for both, like being a hell guard or a messenger or a scribe, etc.

Archangels are the first creation of God. The first Archangel was named Metatron, he records all things in the universe, and he's my master. The second archangel is Lucifer, the bringer of light, he was the most beautiful archangel among his brothers and sisters, and he was second to none but God; though he fell shortly after God banished Adam and Eve from Eden. The third Archangel would be, Michael. He is the hand of God, the moment God gives an order, and he would be the one to deliver it even if it means sending your brother into the core of the sun then into hell. I forgot most of the Archangels numerical order, maybe Metatron will know; I'm the 421st by the way.

Angels are the humans that have descended into heaven. They are stripped of their memories so that they could not remember anything that may give them an ego or any immoral thought. Most angels take jobs such as hell guardians, guardian angels, or subordinates of other Archangels. None of the angels are old or young; if they die at old age they are converted into their young adult or adult selves. If they died too early then they still get to be converted into their young adult or adult selves.

Demons are still the creation of God, in a way, because demons themselves were once angels. How did the demons came to be exactly? Well, it had something to do after Adam and Eve ate the tree of knowledge and Lucifer's rebellion against the throne. After the rebellion failed, Lucifer was sent to burin inside the sun for centuries, and his comrades were sent to hell, at first hell was like a jail cell for the angels and archangels that rebel in the name of Lucifer, but as time went on, God also noticed that he had to do something about human with Cain's blood, and so God sent them to hell as well. What no one foresaw, even Uriel, was that the Human sin had so much power it would corrupt the angels inside hell; and so God made the decision to send Lucifer into hell to rule over. God then sealed hell using the seven seals so that beings can only enter hell but not get out of hell, and only by Gods authority can someone get out of hell.

How do angels become demons?
Angels that are tapped by the corruption of the original sin can become demons. There are 6 stages.

Stage 1: The first sign of an angel being tapped by corruption is the color of their wings, it will become jet black. This is an early sign of corruption but the angel still retains their mental and moral capabilities.

Stage 2: The angel will lose some of their morals, enabling them to commit sins against God(A fallen angel).

Stage 3: The wings will then start to shed little by little, the morality starts to shrink while the ego starts to grow, making them more disobedient and aggressive.

Stage 4: The wings will completely fall off along with their sanity and mental capability, making them a savage demon. Horns will start to grow from their head.

Stage 5: The savage demons that lived longer have learned, making them normal demons, soldiers of hell. In a twisted way, they still remember their duties as former angels and punish evil in the name of the seven deadly sins, pride, wrath, greed, gluttony, envy, sloth, and lust. With these seven sins, the demons judge the sinners punishment.

Stage 6: Demons that have lived for more than a thousand years shall become noble demons. Noble demons are the generals of Hell commanded by its lord, Lucifer. They are stronger, and wiser than normal demons.

Noble demons can negotiate and such, and for that, Lucifer's more wary of noble demons. Every time the noble demons exceed 500, Lucifer would entrap all Noble demons in an area where they would kill each other until half of them are left. It is by that reason they fear, respect, and hate Lucifer.

Angels that are assigned to guard the Hell Gate are more prone to become corrupted than guardian angels, though guardian angels only rarely become fallen angels.

Well then, readers, that's all the time I can spare right now, I'm nearing the portal to the Dragon realm. See you next time, I hope. 

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