Chapter 14.5: Feathers

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"hey Gabby isn't it weird that it's snowing in Japan even though it's march?"
"yeah, we should seek shelter your heat would be meaningless without it."
"let me scout the surrounding."
"yeah sure leave me here In the cold." Gabby shivers. Jonathan flew to see a dimly lit house nearby.
"hey, there's a house a few blocks away I think there are people inside." Jonathan landed near Gabby.
"wonderful. Don't show your ability or else people may think you're one of Lucifers demons."
"sure thing boss. But how're we gonna communicate though?" asked Jonathan.
"you tend to forget the most important things." Gabby sighed.
"Azrael made us wear this gemstones so that we could understand other people of other languages and so that they'd understand us in their own language."
"oh, now I remember."

When they came to the house they knocked to see if there are people, they were met by a married couple who're in their late 30s.

"good evening, may we stay for the night?" asked Gabby to the couple.
"of course make yourselves at home nights in spring do tend to be cold sometimes. Are you travelers?" The man said.
" spring?" Gabby and Jonathan looked behind them and the snow was gone and the moon light shone.
"a-ah yes we're travelers going to Osaka." Said Gabby as she looked back at the couple.
"wonderful, young travelers. Please enter there's tea." The woman said.

Jonathan and Gabby entered the house to see that it was an old style designed house from the Edo period.

"what's up with this?" Jonathan whispered to Gabby.
"I've no idea but for now let's rest." Gabby whispered back. Jonathan gave her a thumbs up.
"please sit down while my wife prepares your room. I'm kazuma and my wife is Kotori, nice to meet you." They sat on the cushions while Kazuma fills their cup with tea.
"thank you, my name is Gabby and he's Jonathan." Said Gabby.
"ah you must be foreigners. By the way, why are you traveling to Osaka?" the man asked them.
"to see the gods." Said Jonathan. Gabby pinches Jonathan on his side, Jonathan silently screams.
"oh, so you'll go to pray to the gods of fortune in Osaka? It's rare to see foreigners pray to the gods here."
"ahaha, yes. Thank you." Gabby smiled then sips her tea.
"what was that for?" Jonathan whispered to Gabby.
"shut your mouth about the mission or I'll sew your mouth shut."
"your room is ready." Kotori enters the room with a serene smile.
"well, it's getting quite late. Let Kotori escort you to your room or should you go take a bath first before getting some shut eyes?" Kazuma asked them.
"uhm, I'll go get some shut eyes." Gabby smiled.
"I'll go take a bath." Said Jonathan.
"I'll escort you to the bathroom then, I'll just tell you where your room is as we walk." Kazuma walks to the other side and Jonathan followed.
"shall we?" Kotori looks at Gabby. Gabby nods and followed Kotori to the room, there were 2 futons beside each other.
"2 futons?" Gabby looked at Kotori confused.
"well couples should sleep together in one room, yes?" Said Kotori with a smile.
"no you got it all wrong, we're not couples just friends." Gabby quickly replied with a cracked voice.
"oh, I thought... I'm so sorry." Kotory bowed her head.
"no, it's- it's fine. I'll just put the futons at each end of the room. Thank you for letting us stay." Gabby bowed.

After putting the futons on each end of the room Gabby took off her Gem on her necklace and lied down and stared at the moon outside the window. "spring huh? What happened to the snow I wonder... something definitely feels off..." as she delve deeper in her thoughts she unknowingly fell asleep.

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