Chapter 10: Memories

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Before everything have happened, before Lucifers betrayal, before Ashter's acceptance to death and before the birth of Joash and before Earth was created, the gods and their creations lived in a place called Paradise. During this time there was not yet Heaven or Hell. All gods lived happily on Paradise with their loyal servants, though there will be problems from time to time like the world Devourer, Apep, who comes every month he would visit paradise to try and devour it, but Ra, Apollo, Balder and Belenus used to fend off the serpent of darkness and chaos.

During this time, the servants of God were not humans yet but angels, God was very proud at one of his particular creations, the light bringer, Lucifer. All of his brethren, Gabriel, Azrael, Raphael and many more looked up to him as an idol figure, the perfect angel.

But as millennia's go by and change was inevitable so did their opinions. Lucifer, the next one to the throne, wanted to rule above his brothers. During this time, God has already made his first humans, Adam and Eve. Lucifer became Jealous for God was always keeping his attention towards the vile creatures that are humans.

"what's in your mind brother?" Azrael asked.
"Father would forgive me if I played with the humans for a while, would he not?" Lucifer asked Azrael.
"I think he will, why?"
"nothing in particular. Hey how's your mentor treating you, what's his name again? Deaf?"
"It's Death. And he's teaching me necromancy as of now, he said that when I become an angel of his he'll give me his abyssal sword." Azrael told Lucifer.
"abyssal sword? That sounds serious. What is it?" Lucifer asked.
"well it is a sword that can destroy anything and anyone, the immortals and mortals, the vulnerable and invulnerable. And they will not be reincarnated, they will be sent to oblivion." Answered Azrael.
"oblivion? You mean nothingness? Which means..." Lucifer paused.
"which means what?" Azrael looked at Lucifer.
"which means he trusts you very much." Lucifer smiled. "now go, study spirits or souls or something." Azrael smiled and flew off.

While Lucifer was thinking and looking down on Eden, Uriel came to see him.

"ah Uriel, my love." Lucifer came close and hugged Uriel.
"Lucifer, stop what you're thinking of doing." Uriel looked Lucifer in the eye.
"hhmm? thinking about what?" Lucifer asked.
"Lucifer, don't play dumb. I can see the future, and the future that I see from you is of great rebellion." Uriel crossed her arms.
"sigh, there is no escaping your beautiful eyes. Hear me out, please." Lucifer pleaded.
"no Lucifer, if you think that the gods should be equal to their servants, you are wrong. Killing the humans would only make father despise you."

"then I will not kill them, I will just talk to them, challenge them. Even I cannot stand seeing them so innocent just like children, they need to know . I cannot see why father needed to create such innocent creatures, I could at least let them know their reality." Said Lucifer.
"I see two outcomes, and both saddens me my love. The gods created this vast universe for us to venture to. Stop this nonsense and stay with us, with your family. You don't need to rule over us, over them. Please stop this at once." Uriel pleaded to Lucifer.

"it's not about the need Uriel. I want to rule over Paradise because I want everyone to be equal, I know with me being on top would make my statement inadequate but I promise you, when that happens all of you will not feel my presence, you will not see me but I will always be there for all of you... I just need to kill those who will be in my way to power."

"No! that's madness!" Uriel held Lucifer's hand tightly.
"forgive me." Lucifer kissed Uriel one last time. Uriel's hand softened and Lucifer flew off to Eden.

Lucifer then created something more than human but less than angel, Lucifer molded something so secret not even Metatron knew of this. from clay mixed with Lucifer's own blood and breathed life into it. His creation would later be called Ha-Satan or Satan and his very purpose was to trick the humans into eating the fruit of knowledge. God sent the Adam and Eve out of Paradise and into a barren world called Earth. But God was merciful and put some of his creations in Eden into Earth. The gods saw what God did and questioned him.

"The humans, their faith are stronger and can fuel our magic more. A prayer from one is enough to give me and ample of power." Said God.

The gods saw that Gods plan was good for them and so the higher gods, Zeus, Odin, Ra and many more created their own race of humans that will pray for them. They also considered the humans mortality and made created a place for them to live after they have died, God created heaven, and the other gods created their own afterlife. Lucifer was displeased for he thought that God will banish humans from existence. It will not take long until God knew who tricked the humans. He sent and sealed Satan deep beneath the Earth's crust. God did not know who created a vile creature like Satan so he went to Metatron, the angel who records. And asked who was the creator of Satan, but to Gods surprise Metatron cannot remember nor know an event or where Satan originated.

God was so ashamed of what Lucifer did, God took Heaven away from paradise so he would not face the other gods. God created other angels to inhabit heaven and called the first angels the Archangels who will carry out his orders. God also hid the garden of Eden somewhere in the universe, where men could not reach the fruit of life.

Uriel then saw another outcome of the future and this time she could not let herself keep quiet and told God about Lucifer's dire plan. God was struck in sadness and sorrow, he had no choice but to banish Lucifer deep inside the core of the Sun where his evil blight could not reach humanity. But humans proved that they did not need an evil blight to commit a crime, at the event where Cain murdered Abel, God was so distraught filled with doubt and disappointment he created Hell where humans who have committed major sins be punished. At first angels were the ones who punished humans in hell but as millennia's pass by the sins of humans have touched the angels, blackening their wings. It will be very noticeable who have been in hell for so long, among the angels who have their wings blackened were Michael, the angel of war.

As time goes by the angels changed, they became vile beings just like Satan. Not only were their wings blackened the sins of man crawled deeper and also blackened their heart and soul, only Michael and a handful of angels were lucky enough to escape the clutches of Hell. God saw this and got worried. Problems also occurred when other angels revolted against God believing Lucifer's twisted promises of freedom, God ordered Michael to take Lucifer out of the Sun and strike him, along with the angels who rebelled, down to Hell, and so Michael did what God ordered. Lucifer was so disfigured for his body burned inside the Sun, the angels and demons wept for him, They called him the Devil for his skin was as red as a fire dragon. After Lucifer was sent to hell, God Sealed the seven doors leading outside of Hell.

"with this, one can only enter Hell and never leave."

But God could not destroy the gateways leading outside of Hell. So God created seven seals to seal the gateways, But sealing it was not enough for God. God ordered the archangels to move the sealed gateways and hide them around all other realms where Lucifer's followers could not think to look for.

God then stayed at the highest island of Heaven, The golden spire, and used all of his magic to hide heaven from everyone and everything, there he stays, always channeling all of his magic just to hide heaven away from everyone and to shield it from threats. But God was not cold, he let people have passage inside of heaven but he assigned Peter to judge the ones entering heaven whether they are worthy of entering or not.

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