Chapter 22: Restless

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Jonathan flew away, and noticed shards of ice falling from the sky. He quickly went over the clouds to avoid being bombarded by the hail storm. Izma joined Jonathan, "Though I want to see more of this lovely weather we're having, it's hindering the next thing we have to do. Jonathan, please look for Demeter, I'll let Ferris join you."

The girl then showed up and climbed over Jonathan's shoulder, "so your name is Ferris."

Ferris looked at him with one brow above the other, "you never knew?"

Jonathan smirked as he hands Ashter over to Nik, "I never asked."

The girl tilted her head, "Now that you mention it... my brothers' name was Andy by the way, right now he wants to be called Tim, because that's what you called him."

"Really now, Where's he?"

"Collecting fire wood, anyway let's go, let's go, I know where the goddess of the season is."

"Sure princess, haha."

"Hey! I'm older than I look; Father just wanted me to look like a child."

"Well, keep acting like a child and I'll treat you like one."

Ferris pouted and opened a portal into one of the temples in Greece. Going outside was suicide, Jonathan can use his heat to melt the ice shard that's falling at them, but doing so might put Ferris in harm's way. Jonathan peaked outside and extended his right arm, the shards that hits it breaks off and he felt no pain. Jonathan then tried to extend his left arm and it was quickly pierced by a shard 19cm long, "JEEZUS!" Jonathan exclaimed. He melted the ice and let himself regenerate. My regeneration is too slow. I'll die before I even pass 4 meters. He told himself, with a worried laugh after.

Jonathan was in a stump. But then he noticed that Ferris was nowhere to be found, "Ferris?!" he called out. He then saw a glimpse of her outside, to his surprise; she was standing against a tree that is behind the strong winds, protecting her from the hail storm.

"Ferris, how'd you get there?" Jonathan asked, worrying for the girls' safety.

"I walked." The girl chuckled.

"That doesn't make sense!" Jonathan shouts, frustrated.

Ferris then smiled and stared at him. Without braking eye contact, she started to walk towards him. Jonathan almost jumped out of the temple to save the girl, but he noticed that the ice looked like it was phasing in and out of her... he looked closer. It was going right through her! But instead of being wounded, it would only leave trails of shadows.

"I'm impervious to injury, I will not die... I can't, even if I wanted to. Father made me like this; he said that the chains will no longer hold me back. I accepted his offer, the chains that are holding me are gone now, and so are the possibilities of me holding anything close to me. Jonathan, you will not hurt me, even if you wanted to."

Jonathan knew what she meant. He started increasing his heat enough that the leaves of the tree behind the girl caught fire. It was true, even though the area around him is burning, one thing still remains, the girl. He can't move, He won't move, his legs are locked tightly and shaking like a scared dog. The girl came closer and held his hands.

"See, I'm not dead." The girl smiled serenely. Jonathan closed his eyes and sighed.

"You said you can't hold anything, what's this?" Jonathan then carried the girl like a baby.

"I was speaking metaphorically!" the girl shouted and casted a shadow in his vision making him trip and fall.

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