Chapter 17: Death

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As Joash and Azrael traveled to the Bermuda triangle, Azrael warned Joash about the magnetic forces that is in complete discord in the area and bringing gadgets may open a rift to an unknown world.

"wow, so that's why people are missing in this triangle... hey, I've been meaning to ask, why are they sealed anyway? The horsemen. And what about the other seals, are there something sealed in every one?" Joash wonders.
"Yes, the remaining seals have powers of the fabric of the universe itself. If all 3 seals fall into the wrong hands he or she may ascend to becoming one of the high council." Azrael answered.
"why create it?" Joash followed.
"the 3 was originally created for God to ascend to the high council once more if he feels the need to, the other 4 was just there to seal the horsemen for their bond in the universe was cut by a nameless king. All seals were entrusted to God and he accepted it. The day came when he had to seal the gates of hell and prevent the demons from escaping hell, it just so happens that the seals have enough powers to seal the exit gates for eons to come. An outside force must have taken one of the seal to let hell loose on earth."
"... that responsibility is so heavy, I'm glad you'll have the seal of death. Give it to me and I might just fuck up everything hehe."

They have arrived at the center of the triangle and there rests an island that has thick forests and the animals that inhabits it are known to man as extinct animals.

"Is this paradise?" Joash thought.
"deep in the jungle there is an underground cavern, there rests the 4th seal. Let's go." Said Azrael and flew down the island. Joash followed.

As they landed Joash stopped for a while for he felt a great presence of power inside the temple.

"this looks Mayan or something. What was this place?" Joash asked.
"It's a place once called Atlantis."
"woah! Really! How did it get lost into this place."
"after the city was deserted, God placed it in this triangle so no one could vandalize it."
"I see, hey, is the 4th seal inside that big temple?"
"great, I shall go inside alone, you stay on guard here."

As Azrael climbed up the stairs, Joash notices something on the forest and called out to Azrael. An arrow flew by him and the shot was done by Abaddon.

"Abaddon..." Azrael takes out the twin blades of Horus.
"Azrael, my brother."
"I have no brother like you."
"It pains my heart to hear such cold words from you, but alas, mine is colder." Abaddon summons his frost blade.
"Azrael, should I help?" Joash takes out his Kadaj.
"no! he's too powerful for you... I'll hold him off, take the seal!"
"A-are you sure?"
"just go!" Azrael summons a wall behind him so that Abaddon cannot follows Joash.
"are you sure about this decision? What'll you do if he finds out?" Abaddon summons his familiars.
"that's not an important question right now... why are you here? How'd you know the 4th's location?"
"Following you isn't hard."

As Joash ran inside the temple, he heard explosions and swords clashing. "oh man... where do I go?" he said as he hurriedly navigates his way. Then he hear a faint voice, he couldn't make out the words but he could follow where the sound is coming. "this is better than walking around aimlessly." As he reach his destination, he was cut off by an explosion but he teleported away to safety.

"I guess intel was right, you do teleport." Said Satan as he walks inside.
" who are you?" Joash creates a suit of armor made of iron.
"that's rude, I'm your cousin!" Satan then shoots Joash with a ball of energy.

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