Chapter 7: Illuminate

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When the light dimmed down. Azrael and Joash noticed that Gabby was out of sight.
"Gabby? Where are you?" Said Joash while searching the place.
"what? I'm here." Said Gabby.
"well we can't see you. Do you have invisibility?" Joash asked.
"I don't know. Wait let me try something." Then Gabby appeared right in front of him.
"oh, hey." Said Joash surprised.
"I can be invisible!" Gabby exclaimed. "oh my god, my wish came true!"
"why'd you wish for invisibility." Joash said with a puzzled look.
"reasons." She said immediately.
"wonderful. Now, join your friends in the training grounds to test your powers." Said Azrael
while he opened the balcony.
"cool where is it?" Gabby asked.
"Just two islands above us." Azrael pointed upwards.
"so, you gonna fly up there?" Gabby asked.
"well I can't carry you both, and Xilium is back on earth foreseeing the events there closely. So
with all that said, you are going to ride griffins." Said Azrael while walking two griffins inside the
"no. I'm not flying that thing, I don't even know how to fly that thing! Can't you fly me instead?
Please." Gabby pleaded.
"I am very sorry lady Blackwood but I have to go somewhere immediately. Maybe Joash can fly
you instead. He is very skilled at riding it. That is if he's okay with it." Azrael looked at Joash
"very much." Joash then rode a griffin.
"then I am off." Azrael flew off immediately.
"... are you sure about this? How'd you even get "skilled" at riding a griffin." Gabby was hesitant.
"like riding a bike." Joash extended his hand.
"ugh, fine." Gabby then rode at the back of the griffin.
"so, uh. How are we gonna-" Gabby was cut off by the sudden flight of the beast.

Gabby shouted at the top of her lungs while Joash is laughing. Gabby hugged Joash as hard as she could for she is extremely frightened at heights. Blood rushed to her face, her adrenaline coursed through her veins making her heart beat faster than it ever could before. Joash finally landed at the island for what seemed like an eternity to go to. Joash got down and looked at Gabby. She couldn't go down, her legs are numb. Joash sighed and carried Gabby.
"look, sorry I got carried away even though I know you're afraid of heights."
"you're stupid you know that. What if I had a heart attack or something!" Gabby exclaimed.
"God can revive you back or something and you're soul will go here, in heaven." Joash said
while walking to the halls going to the training grounds.
"how are you so sure he's gonna revive me? I don't think I can even enter heaven... Have you forgotten I'm an atheist?" she said in a sharp-tongued manner.

"oh yeah, I forgot. Well God forgives." Joash said to jest her.

She didn't reply to his answer. When they are near the huge door leading to the training grounds everything they can already hear what seems to sound like chaos. When they opened the door they were met by a large golem. Gabby was surprised and froze but above the golem was Mark.
"hey guys. What took you so long? Like my new pet? Ha-ha." Mark laughed and continued to train with Gabriel. Then Joash and Gabby saw Violette and Jonathan fighting it off.
"face it, I'm too hot for you." Jonathan taunted Violette.
"oh yeah! Eat this!" then Violette froze the ground below Jonathan making him slip and froze him completely. Joash and Gabby was speechless, Violette looked at them.
"oh hey! Josh and Gabby, what's up? Don't worry about him, he'll melt through. So what power did you get?" Violette asked Gabby.
"uhm well it's invisibility." Gabby answered. Violette jumped in excitement.
"do you know what you could do with that power!?" Violette said with her eyes shimmering.
"yeah, go invisible." Gabby said in a monotone voice.
"not just that, you could go places without anyone knowing. If you get my drift." Violette winked
at Gabby.
"I will not use my powers like that." Gabby face-palmed herself to cover her face.
Jonathan then came up to Joash to talk to him.
"hey Josh, what'd you get?" Jonathan asked.
"oh hey Jonathan, I see you've melted through that ice. Well I got nothing really special." Joash
"when you say nothing special it's something really special. So what is it?" Jonathan asked.
"well I can control well apparently I can control iron." Joash answered.
"really? Iron?... like that magnet man on that one TV show? that's awesome dude!" Jonathan exclaimed.
"we should test it." Violette butts in.


"is it really necessary to face you two?" joash asked Jonathan and Violette.
"of course! To test your ability, you must start with the most challenging." Violette told Joash.
"psh. Fine." Joash shrugged.

Then the training started, Jonathan came in first empowering his fists with blazing fire. Joash quickly took the shield half across the arena and shielded it at Jonathans attack. Jonathan punched continuously making the shield melt. Once the shield melted Joash roundhouse kicked Jonathan which made him fly off. "ow. Right I forgot, you know taekwondo and other shit." Jonathan then stood up and fired fire balls at Joash. Joash dodged each successfully, then he saw a chair far behind Jonathan. "I'm sorry!" Joash apologized in advance. "what?" Jonathan then looked behind and got hit by the chair, knocking him out.

"wow. Now let's see how you par with your cousin." Violette then froze the ground beneath Joash along with his feet then created an ice dome that covered Joash, the ice dome was so thick Joash couldn't see anything making him vulnerable for he could not control the iron metals around them.
"that's cheating!" Gabriel shouted.
"do you really think he'll lose just like that? He'll find a way." Mark told Gabriel.
"but...well, you know, you're right." Gabriel said.
then something came out of the dome, a metal disk.
"what's that?" Violette looked closely. "where'd he get that?"
the metal disk started to slice the ice dome chipping it off one by one. After he broke the ice dome he made the used objects turn into liquid iron and trapped Violette in it hardening it and only showing her head.
"you're mean!" Violette struggled to get out.
"hey, you said to test my limit." Joash smiled and bopped Violette.
"how'd you get that disc anyway?" Violette asked.
"this disc? Well I got it from my-"
"blood." Gabby finished his sentence.
"what? His blood?" Gabriel said.
"oh right. By using the iron in our blood he created that disc. The iron in our blood is enough to
turn it into a nail, but Joash spread it to turn it into a disc to use it to its full effect. I told you, he'll find a way." Mark said smiling.
"we should make him leader!" Jonathan shouted while laid on the ground.
"what? No! why me?" Joash strongly opposed.
"oh yeah he should be leader, that's a great idea." Gabriel agreed.
"yeah he should, and do you know what's another great idea? Getting me out of here!" Violette demanded. Joash looked at Azrael.
"Azrael? Isn't an archangel gonna lead us?" Joash asked Azrael.
"I think you being the leader is a great idea." Azrael nodded.
"that nails it, you're the leader Joash." Jonathan stood up. And Joash sighed.
"well now that that's over, the lord wants to talk to each of you and bless you." Azrael called upon a flock of griffin to land in the training ground.
"bless us? How?" Joash asked.
"well you'll see soon enough. Follow me." Then Azrael flew out and above the training grounds.

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