Chapter 16: Famine

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"hey Jane where do you think this third seal is?"
"Idunno, but Jonathan and the others just left a moment ago when you were preparing yourself."
"what? Really? I didn't even get to say goodbye."
"well, Joash and Azrael are doing some last minute training. Uriel and Michael told us to wait."
"really? Let's go check them out, maybe train ourselves too."

Gabriel and Jane flew to the training grounds via griffin, as they walked along the hallway the saw Horus walking but stumbling.

"oh greetings younglings, what seems to be your business here? Did you come here to check on me? I'm doing fine, if you're worried."
"oh hello, lord Horus, we're here to see Joash and Azrael training."
"oh, Azrael and the fil- nephilim."
"he has a name you know, it's Joash."
"it's enough to call him by his species, any more and that'll be asking a god for too much."
"why the hate on nephilim, Horus?"
"they are imperfect creations, unknown to any god even God himself didn't expect the species emergence. He tried to rid the nephilims off of the earth but it seems a flood was not enough. Either way they're unwanted, and unexpected, not even the gods of death can predict their final destiny."
"imperfect creations? Lord Horus, not to be rude but was it ever their choice to be born? Simply hating them because they are born is a bit prejudice."

Before Horus could answer Gabriel, Uriel entered the vicinity and called for him and Jane.

"It's time."
"what? Already?"
"but we want to see Azrael and Joash in action."
"you don't have the luxury as of now, quickly before God changes his mind and tasks us with something more difficult."
"so how are we gonna do this mission?"
"luckily for you, Jane, in this mission you'll have more time in the world than you need."
"huh? What do you mean?"
"God gave me something that creates time rift which leads specifically to the year 1350 in France, Paris."
"... the black death? Are you trying to infect us?"
"Of course not, Gabriel, since you're a beast master you cannot get infected by any kind of animal, bugs, bacteria, or virus and since Jane will be the horseman of Famine or Pestilence, she doesn't have to worry about infections, speaking of, you might meet the past horseman of Pestilence,so avoid him at all cost. In that time tell Michael that the goat thing was the best idea he could ever think. Well, time is of the essence."

Uriel then took out a crystal from her void bag and threw it on the wall creating a time rift.

"now jump! Don't worry about going back, someone will help you with that. Jane, no matter what you discover in that timeline always remember that it doesn't concern you anymore!"

Jane and Gabriel jumped in the rift and was sent on a deserted ranch.

"what did she mean by 'the goat thing'... oh man, my back... it smells like rotting meat in here... holy shit there's a dead cow!"
"what does she mean by 'anymore', Gabriel do you know?"
"of course not, anyways let's get out of here, dead cows everywhere jaysus."

They went out of the ranch and saw houses being burned by catholic crusaders. Gabriel and Jane tried to walk away but one of the crusaders spotted them.

"halt you two!"
"oh shit, Jane, what do we do? I don't want to die yet."
"Just act natural."
"natural? Isn't it natural to panic if you're stopped by a bunch of blood thirsty crusaders!"
"Just shut up."

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