Chapter 20: Crossroads

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"Under the shrine of the dead, Jonathan suffers alone. Bound by the chain created by Kagu-tsuchi, it equals almost that of the strength of Gleipnir. The reason as to why, may be because they'll use War against other nations."

"Are you sure about this, Michael?" Horus crossed his arms.

"We don't need this!" Gabriel slammed the tables. "The army of hell is already roaming free all over Earth, and it's just 20% of the inhabitants of hell. They're not gonna stop until they take the 3 remaining seals." Gabriel slams the table.

"What are we to do? Japan is sealed by an unkown magic, not even the Seraphs could nullify the barrier, a barrier that also blocks my foresight. Should we call on the other gods?"

"Are you sure Uriel, what does your eyes say?"

"Raphael, after all the time we've lived together you still forget? I need to make contact to foresee the future of a living being.

Before Raphael could answer Uriel, Horus rushed in the room.

"Azrael is back! He's with the students of Death!"

The room fell silent for a moment. Michael stood up and went outside to welcome the students of Death. He went outside and only saw 3 of Death's students, Thanatos, Keres, and Hel.

"Hello there."

"General Micheal." Thanatos hands over Azrael.

"We found your brother battling the archangel of destruction; they almost destroyed the island, luckily we saw someone stepped in. Satan and Abaddon fled after that and left Azrael unconscious."

"And what happened to this mysterious someone?"

"We don't know, he left leaving a black smoke for a short duration. We checked around and there's a slight trace of time travel but no trace of any known essence."

"That'll be a problem. Let's exchange information inside; hopefully you can help us with our problem."

The death gods left Azrael outside with Horus and entered the spire with Michael.

"Wait what, why are you leaving him to me?"

As soon as the doors closed, a portal opened and a voice can be heard calling Azrael to which he slowly gains consciousness.


In Japan, Jonathan is incased in a crystal that's chained and sealed, only leaving his head free to breathe and to feed on. Every morning, noon, and evening; servants would visit Jonathan and feed him, every time they finish, Jonathan would apologize, this continued for a year. Gabby never visited Jonathan after her recovery; she thinks it's for the best.


Jonathan looked up and found no one. "Who are you?" Jonathan asked with a cracked voice. "You shouldn't be here, it's dangerous. Did Gabby send you?"

"My name doesn't matter... for now. No one sent me; I just like to see the legendary War. Though, my father tells me not to."

"Your father is right; there is no legend here, girl, just a brute with a human skin."

"You're right, a brute is dangerous in a peaceful place; why not send yourself into the war that's raging outside?"

"I'm better off in this prison, I might kill my allies."

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