Chapter 12: Power

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"my lord, we have gotten a report telling that Azrael and the humans are staying in the underworld."
"the underworld? What could they be doing, I wonder." Lucifer's eyes glowed red "Ashter."
"yes Lucifer?"
"Investigate their whereabouts, do not engage just observe."
"I don't know about that." Ashter then vanished into the shadows.

Meanwhile, Azrael prepares the pot they will use to boil the water they gathered from the styx . Xilium on the other hand is just sitting at the fire with Joash and the others.

"it's almost yuletide. your birthday is the same date, yes?" Xilium looked at mark.
"Yule—what?" Mark looked at Xilium confused.
"yuletide, an archaic name for Christmas." Said Azrael as he put the scales inside the pot of boiling water.
"oh man, time passes by so fast." Mark lied on the ground.
"let's celebrate it bro! in two days time we'll throw a huge party in heaven!" said Jonathan.
"we do not do parties in heaven. We can celebrate, but not that extravagant." Said Xilium.
"then we'll celebrate outside heaven."
"well you can do that, but it's kind of dangerous now."
"what? Why dangerous?" asked Mark.
"well since Lucifer and his generals released part of hell on earth the Gods that protects the earth got busy in protecting their realms that other evil beings venture the earth. One of them is the infamous Kram-" Xilium was cut off by the excruciating shouts of Violette.

Everyone hurried and look where she's at, Azrael stayed for he knows she won't die. Jane is with her, aiding her but couldn't do a thing. Violette writhes on the ground crying. Everyone panicked, they couldn't do a thing. Violette stood up and leaned on a rock, she let out a scream once more. Then wings grew on the back of Violette, the others were astonished. Before they could say anything, Violette fell unconscious.

Ashter was near them when violette grew her wings, she was itching to fight them but death was stopping her.

"why stop now? when we can destroy them right here right now." Ashter grips her scythe.
"there's this guy who can turn into energy, one that can root us, one that can control iron and can teleport, there's this one girl who can control light, which by the way is our weakness, and
I'm missing my other half. Ashter, you don't stand a chance right now." Said death.
Ashter grunts. "fine, we're leaving. But mark my words, I will kill the light girl first if I have the chance." Ashter then left without a trace.

The next day, Violette woke up with a strange feeling. She stood up and looked at a mirror and saw that she have wings but for some reason she wasn't surprised at all. She had wings that is hard like metal but it is soft and light. She walked outside and sat at the edge of the island. Just like her wish, she fell in an endless sky where she never have to pull the chute. Then she spread her wings she glides along the wind. She then flapped her wings to fly, she flew as high as she could but the higher she goes the stronger the wind blew. Alas she lost control of her wings, as she spun trying to gain control, Xilium flew in to catch her.

"don't go flying like that. You have yet to learn many things about flying." Said Xilium with a stern voice.
"s-sorry. I just got excited, you know? I've always wanted to have wings." Violette fiddled her fingers.
Xilium sighed. "Azrael assigned me to teach you the basics of flying. The do's and don'ts. Understood?" Violette nodded.
"it'll be awesome for an angel to teach me how to fly. Like how a mother bird teaches her babies how to fly. Can I call you mom?" Violetted snickered.
"...can I push you off a cliff?"

In the training grounds, Jane and Joash are having a discussion about what happened some time ago.

"sorry about last time, I know you and her are still a thing..." Jane looks down.
"well, I can't blame you. I know how you like a person like that one time with Sander."
"no! not Alexander, we never talk about Alexander, ever!" Jane's face was flushed.
"well in the situation we're in, you'll meet a lot of guys out there and human or not."
"yeah, well I don't know about you two. Good luck I guess." Jane shrugs and left off to go to Jonathan.

"hey, what's up?" Said Jane to Jonathan and the others.
"Well, we're thinking what other powers you have. Joash said that God gave us powers without us knowing that's why he can teleport and Violette grew wings and I can summon weapons."
"well, I can control the wind. I've no idea what my other power will be."
"wait, you can control the wind?" Gabriel's eyes widened.
"well yeah, but it's kind of lame." Jane crosses her arms.
"lame? You could've made Cerberus pass out!" Gabriel exclaimed.
"I didn't know I could do that." Jane crossed her arms.
"the more you know." Said Jonathan.

Then Mark entered the training grounds with a dire wolf beside him.

"what the hell is that!?" Jane hid behind Jonathan.
"I've no idea, when I woke up it was beside me. Pretty cool though." Mark pats its head.
then Violette entered the training grounds. "what's up guys?"
then the dire wolf licked her hand.
she stopped for a while and looked at it.
"oh my god! A doggie!" then she rub its stomach and it lied on the ground as well.
"what is it?" Violette asked Mark.
"that my dear is a dire wolf." Said Azrael.
"what's the difference though? It kind of looks like a Siberian Mastiff but more like a wolf." Said Mark.
"Dire wolves usually target human preys, they always hunt at night usually stealing away the children inside a village or kingdoms. But sometime somehow, when a dire wolf respect or feel indebted to a human, it will protect that human with its life. I don't know how that dire wolf entered heaven but it seems like it highly respects you Mark."
"woah. That actually sounds awesome. Hey Gabriel, want to celebrate your birthday now?"
"haven't you heard? It's already January." Gabriel said. "seems like time here moves very fast."
"oh wow." Mark sat on a chair.
then Michael flew down the training ground.
"starting from tomorrow, you shall find the seals. This is Gods will and you will do so diligently. Master your skills, hone your edges, and prepare your body and soul. Looking for the seals is not an easy task. Understood?"
Joash and the others did not answer. They just nodded.

In Egypt the forces of Satan and Beelzebub is breaking the invisible wall that protects Egypt.
"Damn. How long will this farce take?" Satan slams the ground with his staff.
"patience. It will break sooner or later. If it doesn't break, we can just call Bidrich or that wench Ashter." Said Beelzebub as he sat on a rock.

As days turned to weeks Beelzebub ordered his soldiers to fetch Ashter and Bidrich.

"Hey, bee. What's wrong?" Bidrich asked.
"don't call me, bee, I'm neither fond of nicknames nor insects. We called you here because you both are demigods and the invisible wall and only fend off demons."
"as much as I hate to say it, you will have to search and destroy Egypt for the seal, as much as I want to do it myself." Satan crossed his arms.
"I should kill you for torturing me in hell, Satan, but my anger is not with you but with the gods. It would be our pleasure." She readies her Sword.
"yeah. What she said." Bidrich Readies her claymore.
"I wasn't talking about you." Ashter summons Death.
"I keep forgetting you're Death." Said Bidrich.
"sadly, I'm just half of myself." Said Death.
"well whatever. Let's go!" Bidrich then ran recklessly to Egypt.

Ashter followed. The Godsdidn't stand a chance, one by one they fell. Anubis watched as tens of thousandsof people stood at the gates to the afterlife. Ashter spared Anubis but tookhis staff so he could never come to Earth. Bidrich fought Ra as Egypt fell. Ra shotblazing beams as hot as the sun but Bidrich withstood the pain and got close toRa and took his left eye, the 5th seal. Horus, the god of air,escaped as he saw his grandfather tortured and killed. deeply wounded, Horusflew the earth to stop at the foot of mount Olympus.

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