Chapter 5: Light

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"What the hell!" Jonathan screamed
"the pond! There's a pond nearby! Joanathan, jump over there!" Violette pointed where Jonathan needs to go.
Jonathan ran and jumped at the pond which extinguished the fire for a moment then. The pond exploded and Jonathan caught fire again. Gabby, Gabriel, Joash and Violette tried their best to extinguish the fire but Mark was just observing. He noticed something. Mark stopped them.
"Guys have you noticed something?" Mark asked.
"what? The fact that he's burning?" Said Gabriel.
"the fact that he's NOT burning. Jonathan can you feel pain?" Mark looked at Jonathan.
"n-no. what the hell?" Jonathan said in disbelief. Then suddenly his fire slowly calmed down
and died out.
"what the hell was that, Josh?!" Jonathan held Joash's shoulders.

But explanations must come later for there is a sudden explosion near where they are. It was at the direction of Jane and Jonathans house. Jonathan froze when he realized that their house was on fire. Joash held Jonathans hand and ran to his house. Behind them Violette, Mark, Gabby and Gabriel followed. The scene looked worst when they were on the site. The house was burning and they couldn't see or hear Jane.
"Jane! Are you there?!" Jonathan shouted.
"no time dude." Joash then kicked down the door to enter and look for Jane.

Minutes passed, Jonathan was panicking, He couldn't do a thing. Gabriel and Violette tried to calm Jonathan down while Gabby calls for the fire department but there was no signal near the area. Mark Tried to look for a nearby water source. Suddenly Jonathan caught fire again. Seeing Jonathan caught fire gave mark an Idea.
"Jonathan! Can you try to suck the fire off of the house?" asked Mark.
"dude I only got this – power. I don't know how to use it." Answered Jonathan frantically.
"you better try something or else Josh and Jane will burn without us at least trying anything!" Mark shouted at Jonathan.

Jonathan looked at the burning house, he concentrated then suddenly a he shone for a moment as bright as the sun. Mark and the others were astonished when they saw Jonathan. He became pure energy. There is no time to be amazed on what happened, Jonathan concentrated with all his might and sucked out the fire off of the house.

When the smoke has settled, the house was in ruins. Joash was at the bedroom where Jane was, the ceiling fell down in the bedroom making it impossible for Joash to kick his way out with Jane. Joash came out of the rubble carrying Jane, she's unconscious and is not breathing. Gabby hurried and applied CPR on Jane. Thankfully Jane took breathe though she's not waking up. Jonathan came back to normal, and stayed beside Jane for a while. Mark talked to Gabby and Joash.
"this situation is terrible, where's Mr. and Mrs. Faye?" Mark asked Joash.
"if you don't know Mr. and Mrs. Faye went missing 5 years ago." Gabby looked at Mark.
"oh, right. They went missing looking for your parents in the rubble of the Blackwood hospital."
Mark remarked.
"Mark!" Joash exclaimed.
"no, Josh. It's fine. Anyway, let's call the police and their aunt." Gabby took out her phone to dial their aunt. But she was cut off abruptly by someone.
"there is no need for that, Lady Blackwood." Said a voice in the shadows.
"... who's there?" Gabby asked.
"this voice... Xilium? Is that you?" Joash looked into the darkness.
"guys!" Joash shouted.
"yeah?" everyone replied.
"can you promise me to not freak out as to what I'm about to show you?" Joash was cautious.
"sure, what could possibly freak us out after seeing Jonathan lit on fire." Said Gabriel.
Then Joash pulled Xilium out behind a tree.
"what's that thing!?" Gabriel exclaimed.
"he's an angel." Joash answered.
"he doesn't look like an angel. He looks more like a – a beast." Said Gaabby.
"well he's special, seriously he's an angel. Look, wings." Joash flapped the wings of Xilium.
"woah, wings! You're awesome!" Violette was jumping with excitement.

Xilium paused for a while with dismay on his face then he ran into the forest. Joash, Violette and Gabby chased Xilium. They wandered the forest looking for him, they neared Mt. Renato and found a cave near the foot of the mountain.
"Maybe Xilium's here. you guys wait for me her, it might be dangerous inside." Said Joash
"Hey, tell him I said sorry. I was kind of insensitive back then." Said Gabby looking down.
"sure thing." Joash smiled and entered the cave.

Joash wandered inside the cave blindly. While walking using the light of his phone as his source of light, Joash saw fireflies coming from inside the cave. He followed the trail of fireflies, and it lead him deeper. The trail of fireflies finally lead him in the final chamber of the cave.
"woah." Joash looked up and saw a hole.
"the people of this town thought that this mountain was an inactive volcano." Said xilium.
"but in fact it was just a mountain with a hole on top." Said Joash.
"hey, Gabby said she was sorry for being insensitive."
"it's fine, it's not like she is the first one to call me a beast."
"so. Wanna go now?" Joash looked behind him. Joash looked behind him but with an unexpected surprise.
"I hope Lady Blackwood and the others like this form more."

Xilium changed his form that of a human but he could not change the color of his eyes. Joash smiled and got out of the cave with Xilium. But upon exiting the cave they saw Gabby and Violette unconscious. Xilium sensed demons and told Joash to carry Violette and Gabby inside the cave and hide inside there. Joash followed Xilium and hid inside the cave with Gabby and Violette. Xilium covered the hole so that the demon would not be able to enter.
"Brother! Why do you side with them who has forsaken our mother, Lilith and our lord, Lucifer!" said the demon.
"for I know that a world ruled by them is not a world worth living! Let heaven govern earth and hell punish sinners, just as the law abides it. End this needless war and give back the seals." pleaded Xilium.
"Never!" Then the demon jumped at Xilium and tried to stab him.
Xilium dodged it and broke the demons arms. "please. Don't make me kill you."
"Kill me? I do not fear ash nor death for they are imprisoned in hell. And when the time comes
lord Lucifer will release that scoundrel and when he does the first attack will be in the white city!" Xilium clenched his fists and broke the neck of the demon killing him instantly. Xilium removed the cover of the hole. Joash saw the corpse of the demon.
"what happened?" Joash asked.
"he attacked, I killed him. We must haste to the white city!" Xilium flew towards where Jonathan and the others are and Joash followed.

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