Chapter 16.5: Adventures of a scribe Pt.1

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While they were preparing to go to the underworld, I, the humble scribe of heaven, was very busy registering their name to the high council, a job passed unto me by Azrael. Because of that I became very busy and had no time writing their story in the history book. So, I talked to the young nephilim called Joash.

"Hey kid, can I task you with something?"
"Are you talking to me? Okay, what is it?"
"Can you write the first three chapter of your story, I need it for the history books."
"What? No, I can't. I've no experience in writing."
"Doesn't matter, c'mon I'm a very busy angel that's in need of help, please. I'll edit it after you hand it to me, I'll be gone in 2 to 3 days and I heard you'll be leaving after a week. You have plenty of time to redo your work if you want."
"hhmm... what's in it for me?"
"What's in it for you? Well, I can tell you important informations."
"Really?" his eyes glistened like the stars.
"Y-yeah. Just up to chapter three."
"Even if I agree, I don't know where to start."
"Just start when weird stuff happens. Okay bye, thank you!"

And so I left heaven and bid my brothers farewell. I cannot travel using 1 rift portal to the high council, only strong beings can do that like the archangels, high elves, dragons, etc. it would take me to travel to Tir Na Nog which can travel to Valhala which can travel to the Dragons real where I can finally go to the high council, which may take up to 2 to 3 days.

While I'm traveling, I might as well tell you about the Nephilims, how they mysteriously began and how they tragically ended. The story goes that the Nephilims were born from the Demon, Lilith, and the Angel, Samael, but I do not believe this story mainly because Lilith and Samael is never known to cross paths and I know firsthand that Lilith wants to kill Samael as much as he is to her. So it is really a mystery how they were born, we only know that they are from an angel and demon because the first known Nephilims has horns of a Demon and wings of an angel. They lived in hiding from the gods, not even they knew gods existed because they were very isolated but as the saying goes "all things hidden will be shown in time."

The first gods that discovered the existence of Nephilims were very baffled because everything that exist in the universe is either created by gods or the high council, the Nephilims were actually a very peaceful race they cooperated as soon as the gods made contact, the gods as them where they came from but even the Nephilims don't know their origin, God came to the high council and asked for the Nephilims but even the high council does not know where they came from and thus the 5 horsemen was dispatched. It started with a small fight, but that small fight became a war in which the gods joined the horsemen in fighting and eradication the Nephilims.

Even though the Nephilims were outnumbered and was seemingly as peaceful race, their war tactics were so fearsome even gods of war were very cautious when they're waging war on them. the war raged for thousands of years until the 216th king of the Nephilims emerged. The 216th king plowed through armies like they were just wheat to be harvested. Then one day Death and the king Fought each other, Death was the most powerful horseman and he never lost until he faced the king, of course the king didn't face Death head on at first, he needed to break him. The king was very good at stealth and he used it to kill the 5th horseman which is known to be Deaths lover. The 5th horseman's death was uncalled for, her death marked the day when the horsemen was vulnerable to dying for she was the only one keeping them alive.

Death was outraged and charged at the every changing kingdom of the Nephilim head on, records say that the king was expecting Death and was actually waiting for him. Before fighting the king death asked him only one question, "How did you do it?" The king answered with a monotonous voice "no other thing can kill her, you already know the answer, and it was your sword." the kings words put Death deeper into madness and attacked without thinking. In the end Death was still invulnerable, mainly because he's got the name and was born from the abyss.

The fight ended, Death didn't die but what happened to him was far worst. His essence was split in half, the half was consumed by the king and the other half was mercifully sealed in a celestial stone forged from the flesh of a celestial. The stone was delivered to Azrael, the angel of death.

The Nephilims prospered, they were feared but their peace only lasted for short. The king, having half of the power of Death became mad with power and started to decimate the kingdom himself. Children, women, warriors, farmers, and innocents, he consumed all of their souls and destroyed the kingdom without any trace and vanished like he never existed. The king's disappearance is as mysterious as his appearance. No one really knew him and it was also recorded that within the first week of his discovery he was hostile to anyone including his own kin.

Ever since the king tore death in half, death is not considered the leader of the horsemen anymore though it was kept a secret even to death himself that he was only half his essence, the only people who knew that death was actually weaker is of course the other horsemen, God, Zeus, Odin, Bishamonten, Ra, and his top student, Azrael.

Millennia's has passed but there are only four batches of people from other worlds that hosted the horsemen including now. For War it was Flogel, Marina, Leonidas, and will be Jonathan. For Conquest it was Randul, Sar'zox, Ferdinand, and will be Mark. For Death it was Rasha, Caligula, Ashter, and will be Azrael or that boy Joash. Then there's this particular Horseman sometimes called Famine or Pestilence but she was just originally called, curse, her hosts were Kar'lux, Nero, Rhueng, and will be Jane.

The Power of Famine ranges from giving diseases or draining any being from anything but her power never actually mixed, her right arm is the draining power and the left one is the one the gives diseases and other afflictions, but as soon as she was sealed her powers never mingled together thus dubbing her the dice of the horsemen, because the host cannot have 2 powers at the same time.

The powers of War are to command his collected armies who died in battle. War usually orders the host to go to Valhalla first and collect souls who have died in battle. He was also the one who flooded hell with his own kind of fire, now called Hellfire which is also harnessed by his great sword called Rage, it is said being cut by it will burn your soul instead of your body making you experience true death after you die. War feeds off of the battlefield rage, wrath, hate, and anger as well as anguish, making his body even hotter especially his own rage and pain which is known to destroy solar systems.

The powers of Conquest are to conquer people making them bend to his will making them do whatever he pleases without any resistance. His orders are absolute, it is known even the impossible is done because of his fearsome power; the most famous story is the story of Prometheus who stole the fire in Olympus, even now he thinks he stole the fire for mankind. He can ignite the ambition of even the humbles people, and it is he who thought the challenger of God. His arrows are made of endless gold and whoever gets hit by it spurts golden liquid instead of blood.

The powers of Death were Absolute. Shadow manipulation, Time manipulation, Necromancy, Undeath, Divine slayer, Soul removal, and the reason why he's most feared is because he is given the ability to cause Omnicide. The other horsemen is known to head face to face with gods which only ends in a draw but Death is known to have killed at least 5 gods and added them to the collection of his souls, the more soul he gets the more powerful he becomes, especially if the soul is more powerful than just normal souls. Unfortunately or fortunately he's now split, got half of his powers taken from him, and then on the event of Ashters betrayal, death now became ¼ of what he truly was. The king was never found and was speculated to have killed himself because of the immense power that burdened him.

Well, I'm nearing Tir na Nog. I'll write another entry next time when I'm travelling to Valhalla, I wonder how's Joash with the 3 chapters.

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