Chapter 23: A mischievous god and a callous girl. pt 1

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A laughter echoes at the end of the dungeon where Thor and the other captured gods were held up. Closer and closer the laughter went, and then a staff of gold hit the door where Thor was chained up with Mjolnir.

"Loki, what is it you need now?"

"I'm here to tell you that the 6th seal's whereabouts have been revealed, to think that Odin traded it for knowledge." Loki spun with excitement and faced Thor with a rather contradicting bitter face, "Where's Mimirs' head?"

"Heh, surely you'd know, it's in—." Thor was zapped with dark magic.

"Officially it's there but secretly it's somewhere else, don't treat me for a fool. Tell me!" Loki's eyes glowed green.

"By Odins name, I will not speak of its location."

"Then may you curse Odins name on this day forth."

"What do you mean, Loki?"

"By Odins name..." Loki then pulled Sif, Thors' wife, from a corner, wounded and chained because of all the torture.

"L-loki... Sif! Stop this!" Thor pleaded.

"... Let this be a reminder, disobedience will be met in your death or another." Lokie stabbed Sifs' heart and melted her brain after uttering those words. Loki threw her lifeless body inside the cell of Thor.

The cell grew silent for a moment, and then a dark cloud surrounded Thor which emitted electricity.

"Loki! You piece of shit!" Thor was ready to strike Loki with lightning.

"Brother, you know better that the nullifying field I set up here in this prison is no ordinary nullifying field."

"Shut up!" Thor then sent a surge of electricity towards Loki, but the field activated and directed it towards Thor which in turn rendered him unconscious.

"You may be a god of thunder, but you'll never beat a certain god which is immune to his own lightning." Loki left with a revolted look on his face. I need more time... I need Mimir. Loki thought as he walked outside the dungeon.

As Loki walked the halls in a Vatican museum, Abaddon called out for him. With a smile, Lokie greeted Abaddon, skipping as he go towards him.

"What is it Abaddon, dear?"

"Dear? Enough with the nonsense, I received a report from Irene. Death was last seen at the foot of Mount Everest. Lord Lucifer wants you to investigate."

"Really, he wants me to investigate? After all this time, I thought he wanted to see him the most. Guess I was wrong."

"Go with Bidrich or Baphomet or someone. I heard that there are two of them there."

"Aw, you're worried for me, Why not you join me?" Loki gleefully smiled at Abaddon.

"I would but I have other matters to attend to regarding Satan's rash behavior as of late and Ashter's disappearance."

"hhhmmm, a busy day ahead, huh? Well, I'll be going."

Damn! Why'd he give me an assignment now of all times. Ugh. Mimir's head is my top priority I'll stop at nothing even if I'll meet Death... again. Loki shivered then clenched his fist and talked to one of the demons to join him to the Mountain. Then something struck Loki, Death is old enough to know the location of Mimir's head! This thought made him smile from ear to ear and as they went outside, Loki couldn't stop but skip. This disturbed the demon, but he spoke nothing of it.

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