Chapter 9: Trainees

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Half an hour have passed Joash and the others came out of the throne room. Joash saw Azrael talking to Uriel. Azrael wore an uneasy face and an ominous aura. As Joash drew closer to both of them he only heard Uriel say "be careful in guiding them Azrael lest you want to speak with a forked tongue again."
"I will keep that in mind." Said Azrael to Uriel.
"you better." Then she walked out of the room.

Joash stayed silent, he thought that maybe Azrael haven't noticed him. The Group gets closer to Azrael while talking about their experience inside the throne room, how they saw God. Jonathan and Jane saw a Satyr, Gabriel saw God as a bird like creature, Violette saw a sad old man, Mark saw not a man but a woman, Gabrielle saw nothing but only heard Gods voice, and Joash saw a wisp.
"so what did God tell you?" Azrael asked them.
"he told us to visit the underworld and collect water from the river Styx, one bottle each." Answered Joash.
"no, God said to take the scale of the dragon, Styx." Argued Jonathan.
"you two are clearly wrong, he said to collect shave the fur of Cerberus who guards the river styx which is the entrance to the Underworld." Said Violette.
"Water of the river Styx, Scales of Styx, and the fur of Cerberus?" Azrael thought for a while and then an idea hit him. Azrael knew exactly why God gave them those tasks.
"since we are not sure which one is which, we should do those three tasks." Azrael Proposed to the group.
"so what? We're gonna be in grouped and be given an assigned task or all seven of us are gonna do each tasks?" Gabrielle asked.

"we are going to group you into three. The Group of Joash will be the one who will be in-charge of slaying The dragon, styx. The group of Lady Earlyseven will be in-charge of collecting water from the river Styx and The group of Lady Blackwood will be the one in-charge of shearing Cerberus."

"wait, if that's the case then one group should have three members. Since battling the Dragon sounds more serious, may I request that my group should have three members?" requested Joash.
"agreed. Now that that's all said and done, group yourselves and follow me to the armory." Answered Azrael.


In the midst of their training in heaven. The Generals of Hell are re-shaping the Earth. In the Sahara desert where Ashter is held captive by Lucifer, a messenger came with an appalling news.
"my lord, I came here to report on the current situation of our search on the 3rd seal." Said the
"we have almost scoured the whole Sahara and there are no signs of the seal yet, but there is one place where it can be with an eighty percent chance."
"where is it messenger?"
"I-In Egypt my lord."
"In Egypt you say? Egypt was suppose to be attacked AFTER we take all the seals. Do you see the irony in that?" Then Lucifer laughed. The messenger looked at him, in fear he also laughed along Lucifer. Then out of nowhere Lucifer snapped the messengers neck in a fit of rage.

"Beelzebub! Satan!" Lucifer called.
"yes my Lord? You called for us?" Beelzebub bowed.
"what is it that you need from us, Lord Lucifer?" said Satan.
"gather three hundred of the strongest warriors on each of your battalion and prepare them to force their way in Egypt. Also call Bidrich here. Now!"
"yes my Lord." Then Satan and Beelzebub left Lucifers Throne room.


Azrael opened the armory and Joash and the others were taken aback. So many weapons in one place "find your weapon of choice." Said Azrael, they searched the whole area finding which weapons they best prefer. While Joash was walking around he found something that really caught his eyes. Joash ran at the very back of the room.
"what'd he find that made him so excited?" Asked Violette.
"I don't know and I don't care... hhmm this'll do I guess." Jane takes a dagger.
"is something wrong Jane?" Asked Violette.
"nothing in particular. Don't worry, it'll pass." Jane said while looking out the window.
"well, okay, if you're sure. Hey what do you think about this?" Violette takes out a mace.
"hehe. Yeah, it brings out your high school baseball ace record." Jane said with a smile.
" I'm so glad you remember!" Violette hugged Jane.

"what do you think I should get?" Asked Jonathan to Gabriel and Mark.
"Idunno. What do you want? I'm going to find a Talwar or a Barcha I guess." Answered Gabriel.
"those weapons are used for Gatka , right?" Mark pointed out.
"yeah. Grandfather and Uncles taught it to me." Said Gabriel while searching.
"you know that's smart thinking." Said Mark to Gabriel "since I fence as a hobby maybe I'll get myself I saber or a rapier." Mark told himself.
"Take the saber! I'm using a rapier!" shouted Gabby from the second floor.
"oh yeah, you two used to fence together. Now I'm more confused why she and Joash got together instead of you and her." Said Jonathan.
"us fencing together is the main reason why we don't like each other. And I'm not really interested in her." Mark answered Jonathan. "found it." Mark found a saber.
"oh, right, you two have this competition relationship." Said Jonathan.
"hey Jonathan, I found you something that might really fit you." Gabriel gives Jonathan an axe.
"thanks a bunch, why an axe though?" Jonathan asked.
"Because you cut trees for your fireplace." Gabriel was carrying a Barcha and a Talwar.

"oh the swords and whatever are just one of the weapons you'll use, there are unloaded guns on the basement." Said Azrael.
"wait you have guns?" Jonathan was surprised.
"well just revolvers and shutguns and stuff. We have no automatic guns though. They're in the basement" Azrael looked inside and saw no one. "and you are gone."

When they got out of the armory Azrael inspected them.

"Joash, a Kadaj and a Revolver. Smart thinking about the Kadaj, whenever you slash and opponent he'll have two very close wounds making it difficult to be stitched up. But a Kadaj is difficult to sharpen because of its opposing sides in the middle." Azrael commented on Joash's weapon of choice.
"It's made of iron, I can make the tip sharp or sharper." Joash sheathed the Kadaj back. Azrael smilled.

"And you Jonathan you have an Axe but you don't have a range weapon, why?" Azrael asked.
"I can fire fireballs." Jonathan simply said.
"well thought, an axe can cause massive damage on the enemy and also your allies, when swinging an axe mind your surroundings." Azrael Advised Jonathan.
"well understood sir." Jonathan nods.

"Same goes for you Lady Earlyseven, you have a mace and no range weapon.
"well I know how to swing a bat. And I can fire ice shards." Violette said in a chipper way.
"A mace is heavier and more dangerous than a bat, mind that the tip is rounded so when swinging you must also mind your surroundings."
"I understand." Violette gave a thumbs up.

"Lady Faye, you have a dagger and and Elisha Collier Revolver."
"oh so that's what it's called, I thought it was just a revolver." Jane awkwardly laughs.
"there is nothing wrong with your range weapon but picking dagger would put you at a more greater risk, for example, if your enemy has a sword he'll cover more distance than you. Do you understand?"
"It's fine I'll manage." Said Jane confidently.

"Gabriel your weapon of choices are a Barcha, a Talwar, and A desperado. Not only might it give you weight disadvantage, reloading your desperado will be difficult in the battlefield. Make sure your reload is fast enough."
"I can deal with the weight, and in the reload I'll manage, somehow." Answered Gabriel.

"Lady Blackwood, you have a Rapier and a Bow and Quiver. Why a bow and quiver?"
"well a Bow and Quiver is more silent so it'll be unexpected for the enemy." Answered Gabby.
"then you must count or recycle your bows to keep firing those. And the Rapier, Thrusting may be hard to counter if your enemy has no shield but a shielded enemy may have the upper hand."
"I am well aware of that problem but I believe I can turn the tide if that ever happens." Said Gabby.

"and lastly Mark, a saber and a hunting rifle. You used to fence with Lady Blackwood if I heard correctly from your conversation earlier. A hunting rifle can be shot at a great distance but once the enemy got close to use the hunting rifle will be hard to use, keep your distance if you prefer to attack from afar."
"will do sire." Answered Mark.

"now that all has been said and done, let us go to the entrance of theUnderworld." Azrael then openeda portal and stepped inside followed by Joash and the others.

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